Awake and alive

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Lol not really So woke up in bed you thought what happened yesterday was a dream you turned around to see soundwave holding with his arm still asleep you lookedat his resting battle scared holoforms face you sat up began to remember yesterday only to realize you couldn't hear anything you wondered if when you hit the floor you had gone deaf you then woke up again with a jolt you opened your eyes to see and importantly hear soundwave he looked concerned about you You then placed you hand over you ears and cupped them tears escaping your eyes but you could hear your sobs so you where relived on the hand you hadn't seen that you had been taken to knockdown you looked up to see a concerned red bot you screamed at first because he scared you because how close he was you began to see that this was real and there is no dream but there is something wrong with you You began to lose your feeling and go very cold you sight was blurring and your hearing fuzzy almost like you got hit with a flash bang you felt yourself begin to fall soundwave had lazerbreak get you before you hit the ground you then saw a needle hanging off you you memories Ripped throughyou mind as you began to remember what happened last night you passed out shortly after knockout realized what was going on he rushed you to a medical bed and began to tend to you A 

week later you and knockout when on your guys daily shopping sprees around the malls you begin to find things you like but you guys where looking for swimming trunks for knockout and sounders you found knockout a pair with white fire with his paint job you smiled found his size and showed if to him he loved it he when to try it on instantly which attracted girls in the mess a guy with a dark hoodie grabbed you and stabbed you with needle me realeases you got scared and run out the door knockout see this and takes off after you the man just waits but the autobots not far behind bumblebee rounded the corner and parked got out with raf he told raf to get back in and lock the doors it turned into a high speed chase you then slammed into no other than the medic ratchet in his holoform and Optimus hit you with his truck (you and get hit by Optimus right XD) you shocked and in pain hold you broken and clearly bleeding leg in pain you saw knocout drive up bags in the back you clasped though you consciousness fading he holoformed and pick you up to place you in the front seat and drove off to nemesis but he knew he wouldn't make it so he called to ratchet knocout swore to protect y/n with his spark even if he had to talk to autobots y/n was really important to most the bots they were still like family 

At this you woke up in the autobots base confused you screamed only to wake up again in a cell with light blue lights that are dim you turn to see acree chained up you ran up to her you where enraged at the state she was in but when she saw you she let a releived sigh and moved closer she was leaking energon out of a gash in her side you ran up with your cuffed hands and hugged her a large figure walked in kickdrift you instantly recognized him an ex General before the war assassin and perv after his main victim was the femmes you hid behind acrees ped before he activated his holoform and walked to you and touched you he seem happy with your thick body build a male walked in your heart flamed as you saw you ex his name was Mike you hated him with your heart hey was happy to have you back the males then quickly ejected something into your arm that made you numb acree fought back but couldn't break the binds  your sight faded with your conscience everything black you awake to fighting days later soundwave and the cons AND the autobots fighting together to destroy a common enemy as he has killed many from both sides that where femme thats how both gearshift and sliderims died but now 2as pay back Megatron had kickdrift pinned down lazerbreak was Flying around like crazy looking for you you whistled for her she saw you and arcee and speed over to free you you blacked out again only you getting carried away by knockout was all you could remember in small amounts 

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