First Day Full Moon

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Having that sort of mindset was what stopped her from mentioning her tail to this day, though there were other things she had to hide from her parents.

To this day, Miriam has kept her secret to herself, especially because of how much of a hassle it was to make sure people wouldn't find out. At her old school in New Zealand, there was water everywhere, and though it wasn't necessarily a good thing, it meant she could go swimming more.

Now, with her being in Beacon Hills, there wasn't much she could do, swimming wise. Though it was less of a risk of her secret being exposed. One of the things Miriam noticed, however, was that the full moon was gonna rise tomorrow, which wasn't good, considering her powers were amplified, but at least she didn't give in to the full moon as much as she used to.

There was still gonna be that feeling in the back of her head telling her to swim, though she had to ignore it to the best of her ability. When she looked at her phone, specifically her calendar, reality set in on her. This was her 98th moon, and following the seventh cycle of the moon, she was either gonna get another power or she was gonna succumb to the power of the full moon, usually.

Getting out of bed, she didn't want to go to school, honestly, but she had to go anyway. She had an oversized sweater jacket that she was gonna wear over a long sleeve shirt, as well as jeans to go with the outfit.

Because of her being in a newer house, her mother had enough sense to make sure Miriam had her own bathroom, courtesy of the long baths she had. The other lucky thing was that it was directly connected to her bedroom, so she didn't have to worry about the chance of any of her family members walking in and potentially seeing her with a tail.

When Miriam got to school, she was already in class, which included the one with Scott and Stiles, two of the many boys she didn't know about, nor did she care to meet them. There was another new girl, this one being a brunette with white skin and brown eyes, one whom she heard the name was Allison Argent.

Now, with Miriam being the type of person to make sure she knew enough about someone to hold a decent conversation, it also meant she knew about the Argent family being hunters. With Miriam being a supernatural, she had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time she heard of that family.

It felt like the day passed quickly, considering all of her classes were over, leaving the lacrosse team to tryout for themselves, though Miriam didn't want to go to a practice where she could freeze her ass off. Being at her locker, she had her headphones in and listening to a Melanie Martinez/Billie Eilish playlist.

Grabbing her coat, she set her bag down in her locker before putting the sweater on, it meant she had to take her music out of her ear. Setting it down, she jumped when there was a tap on her shoulder, specifically from Scott. "Miriam, right? Sorry if I scared you, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Scott, this is Stiles."

"Oh, hi," knowing there was a chance of her being able to meet them as friends, she wanted to utulize that chance to the best of her abilities. "It's nice to meet you both," being optimistic was difficult, that much could've been easily spotted.

"Are you coming to Lydia's party tonight?" She didn't want to go to the party only because this was the 14th time she'd been through the seventh cycle of the moon. She didn't want to be around anyone in case she did get a new power, or if she had to deal with being under the power of the moon.

"I might not, it depends on whether or not my mom wants to watch movies with me." She was lying, which Scott could tell, but he didn't want to push the topic so soon. Maybe she was gonna do something by herself, maybe she's just an introvert.

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