"This is going to be so much fun!" Louis yells as we fly to the point we are going to jump from.

For the last two hours, we got instruction and trained on how to jump. Of course, we are going to jump with a professional but we have to know the rules as well.

"Who is going to jump first?" one of the pros asks.
"I can go first," Louis volunteers. "I'll go after Louis," I say. Then I am going to have some minutes alone with him when we got down, hehe...

After me Niall will be jumping, then Zayn, and the last one will be Liam.

"I don't know if I can do this," Zayn says afraid. "Sure, you can, Z. You have to believe in yourself. Nothing will happen, okay? They know how to do it and if the first parachute won't open the second one will," Liam tries to calm him down. "What? If the first won't open? Thank you, Liam that really helped me," Zayn says sarcastically.

The coaches explain to us everything again, for the last time, and then it's Louis's turn to jump.

"Wohooo!" he exclaims as they jump off the edge. I stand up and get ready as well.

What if I die now because someone sabotaged both of my parachutes? Then I'll never see Louis again and he'll never know how loved he is.

What's going on Harry? All of a sudden you're worried? Damn it, Zayn worries got to me.

I send a short prayer to heaven before closing my eyes and waiting for the signal.

When I hear it I let myself fall just as we learned it. I feel the wind blowing everywhere around me. After some moments I get used to the feeling in my stomach and dare to open my eyes.

Wow, I think. It looks amazing. Under us, you can see the sea. There are boats, surfers, little figures playing at the beach. On the left, you can see mountains and cars driving on the big streets. Birds are flying beneath us, probably wondering how we came into the sky.

After some minutes passed - too quickly - I see the place where we are going to land coming nearer.

My coach gives me some instructions but as we land I fall on my bum.

I hear someone laughing at me and look up to see Louis coming closer to me. "Good stunt, Haz," he laughs. "I bet you didn't land better," I say insulted. "Sure, I did." "He didn't Mr Styles," his coach now says chuckling. "Oh, will you shut up," Louis snaps back, sassy as he is.

"Anyway, that was so much fun! You could see so much of the island, even the carnival we went to yesterday," I rhapsodise. Louis tenses up a bit but then goes back to normal. "Yeah, and the beach and the sea looked so beautiful. The water was so - blue." We laugh at his description as we hear a plop behind us. "Look who joined us in the landing-on-the-bump-gang!" I welcome Niall. "So I wasn't the only one?" We shake our heads, "Oh, thank God!"

After some more minutes passed we are complete. Zayn did survive it - surprise - but has to lean on Liam's to not fall over. Or is he just playing to be near him?

I wonder when it came to the point where I think that everybody has a crush on each other. Well, fairly I can say that I wasn't wrong with my assumption about Liam. But I really don't know how Zayn feels.

"What do you think, Harry?" I feel all boys looking at me.

Shit, I zoned out for too long.

"Sorry, I didn't catch the question," I admit.

"Niall suggested doing a karaoke night. There is a bar down the street. Management booked it for us so it's just us and the employees," Louis explains to me.

More than a bromance [Larry Stylinson]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum