Chapter 32

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Caroline's POV
I survived the dinner but now we are all in Klaus's beautiful living room. I still can't get over how amazing his house is.

"Hey Caroline." Elena says to me finally.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming over." I kind of whispered to Elena while everyone is just standing and talking. Mostly everyone is on the phone talking about business stuff.

"It was sort of last minute. When I got home, Elijah told me we were leaving to see Klaus but then we saw Rebekah and Kol in the limo as well so we kind of came here." Elena explained to me.

"Klaus seems stressed for some reason and I don't know why." I admit to Elena.

"He gets like that when his siblings arrive. Especially when they arrived uninvited." Elena says and I nod. To me it doesn't seem like a big deal but Klaus is Klaus.

"So how are your leg feeling?" Elena asked me with a wink.

"Oh shut up." I say playfully shoving her arm.

"Um excuse me." Kol interrupts me and Elena's conversation.

"Yes Kol." Elena says.

"I would like to speak with Caroline for a moment. May I at least do that?." Kol asked and Elena looks at me and I nod my head in approval that it's okay.

"Fine." She says and walks away from us.

"So I heard you went to a charity event with my brother yesterday." Kol says and I nod my head.

"Yeah, it was quite fun." I say to him.

"Yeah, I bet it was. Klaus donated five hundred thousand dollars yesterday." Kol tells me and my mind goes blank. He donated what! That is a lot of money.

"I had no idea that he donated that much." I admit to him honestly.

"Well us Mikaelson's don't kiss in tell." Kol says with a smirk and I roll my eyes. "To be honest, I was quite surprised that you started dating my brother after our conversation in the elevator." Kol says.

"What can I say? Klaus was very... persuasive." I say to Kol.

"I'm sure he didn't bribe you to be with him." Kol says.

"No of course not. We just decided to give it a chance. Plus we gotten really close at the gala." I admit to Kol.

"I see. Well I guess I don't have a shot to be with you then." Kol says and he seems a bit down.

"I'm sorry Kol" I say to him.

"Don't be sorry. Klaus seems to always have his ways to a girls heart but you two seems to be happy but if he ever breaks your heart, I will do whatever I can to win yours." Kol promises. "I'll see you later Caroline." Kol says as he picks up my hand and he kisses the back of it and walks away.

Kol maybe a flirt but he's a good person. I can tell. He just hasn't found the right person but I don't think it's me. If only he knew that this relationship that I have with Klaus is pretend but it's for the best because he wouldn't try to get with me.

"How did the conversation go?" Elena asks as she approach me again.

"Surprising well. He came by to tell me that he's happy for me and my relationship with Klaus." I admit to her.

"Wow that's a surprise. That is the first time Kol has ever said anything.......mature. To a female that is." Elena says.

"I kind of feel bad that he doesn't know about the fake relationship." I kind of whisper to Elena.

"I understand how you feel but you just have to keep it a secret." Elena says to me and I nod.

I had a pretty okay time with Klaus's family. Rebekah and I have a lot in common actually and she is super smart. Elena was right, she is more mature than Kol and she's the youngest. Elijah is cool to. He is a very intelligent man.

I can see why Elena loves him so much. Elijah is definitely more than just a handsome man in a suite. Elijah loves to wear suites all the time. He says it's his favorite thing to wear. Klaus has been pretty distant since his family being here.

He hasn't said much but if he does, it's mostly them asking him a question. Klaus's family just left and me and Klaus went upstairs together.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm fine." He says but I don't believe him. He sounds off.

"Klaus, you know you can tell me." I say to him.

"It's nothing." He says.

"Why can't you just tell me?" I questioned him.

"It's not something that I can tell you Caroline. It's what I want to do." He says and Klaus comes closer to my face and our lips are inches away from each other. "It's hard to be civil around you." He admits to me.

"Klaus, we can't." I say to him.

"I know but god I wish I could fuck you right now." He says to me and I looks deeply into my eyes. I feel hot and his words just send shivers down my spine.

"Tomorrow when the contract is renewed then we can do whatever we want." I say to him. I just need to remind myself of that.

"I intend to wait because you are worth waiting for." He says to me and I see a smirk on his face.

"Good because I'm going to shower." I say to him and I manage to walk away from Klaus before things got more intense between us.

We just have to wait and tomorrow we are free to do what we please with each other.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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