Chapter 11

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Caroline's POV
I'm on my way to work, ridding in a taxi because this is literally the only transportation I use in this city. I'm still pretty upset about the news last night. I'm not some fling to Klaus Mikaelson, I don't even like him like that. Sure he's hot but I'm not attracted to him at all.

What about the wet dream that you had about him?

Shut up!

Me having a wet dream about Klaus doesn't mean I'm a attracted to him. It just means that I was really horny and Klaus was somehow in the back of my sub conscious.

Anyways I pay the taxi driver as soon as he drops me off in front of the building.

"Thank you and hey weren't you the girl that went to the gala with Klaus Mikaelson?" The taxi man ask me.

"Yea." I admit.

"Are you his girlfriend?" The taxi man asked.

"I am definitely not his girlfriend." I say crossing my arms together.

"Oh so I guess the news lady was right. It was just a fling." I hear the taxi man say and he drives off leaving me shocked. How rude!

I am not Klaus Mikaelson's fling!

I try to regain myself before I step in the building because I don't wanna seem mad or angry at work today. As I walk in the building, everyones eyes are fixated on me. Watching my every step. I hear whispers from people saying "Oh my gosh, it's her."

"That's the girl who went to the gala with our boss." I hear some of the co workers say.

I start to speed walk my way  to the elevator and as I open it, I step in. I need to get away from these people. I press the button to the top floor. Luckily my office is up top so I don't have to deal with co workers.

"So are you dating my brother or your just sleeping with him?" I hear a familiar thick accent say. I turn and I see it's Kol

"No I'm dating your brother and I'm not sleeping with him. Gross." I added.

"That's not what the news said." Kol says and I hit my head with my hand.

"Trust me. I'm not even seeing him. I only did him a favor and that was it." I say to Kol. "Plus that news was fake. I am nobody's fling. Especially him." I added to Kol and I realize I sound a bit pissed about it.

"Well I'm glad that it's not true." Kol says and I look at him.

"I just want this rumor to disappear." I say to Kol.

"Well I wouldn't be so sure about that. Us Mikaelson's are the riches people in the city and we are kind of a big deal. So this rumor might stick around for a while." Kol tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Well there has got to be something I can do." I say to Kol.

"Try to avoid the cameras. Paparazzi will follow you and when they do, tell them the truth. Once they hear that you are not his girlfriend. Everyone well forget about you and you can have your life back." Kol says to me and the elevator door flies open. "This is my stop. I'll see you later Caroline." Kol says walking out of the elevator.

"Bye Kol." I wave to him and the elevator door closes.

So now I have paparazzi to look out for. This is literally my worse nightmare. The elevator stops at my stop finally and I make my way to my office. I grab my keys from the bag and open my office door.

I sigh of relief that I am finally alone. Moment later my office phone rings. There goes my peace. I sigh and answer it.

"Hello." I say to the phone.

"Meet me in my office. We need to talk." I hear Klaus says. At least he's not demanding like he usually does.

"I'm on my way." I say to him and I hang up the phone. I thought I could have some peace for a bit but I have to go see the boss now.

As I walk out of my office I see Elena walking pass me with a funny look. She must of just came from Klaus's office as well.

I knock on the door and pop my head and Klaus turns around. "Come in." He tells me and I nod and walk in. I close the door behind me but Klaus still has his back turn.

I wonder what he's gonna say to me now.

Sorry for ending it short. I didn't want the chapter to be too long. But this segment will continue in the next chapter.

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