F I F T Y - N I N E 🌙

Start from the beginning

"The only kids I can tolerate are Mimi and Sunji." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"So funny you didn't like Sunji at all."

"Neither did I like you? Look where I am today? Making goodie bags for your six years old's birthday and for some reason not wanting to spend more than 12 hours away from you." he says while throwing candy on the counter.

"Well, he'd appreciate it. And I appreciate you too." He kissed his forehead and set next to him too carefully sorting out the goodie bag.

About ten minutes in Sunji came out all dressed with a smile on his face. "Tae!" Taehyung got off his chair and opened his arms as Sunji ran to hug him.

"There's the birthday boy. Look at you all clean and fresh." He smiles and pokes him while Sunji broke into a giggle.

Jimin's heart yelled in his chest as he watched the cute sight. Once he was done he picked Sunji up and sat back around the table where he placed Sunji on his lap while they made goodie bags. It hurt so much. In a good way.

Taehyung caught him staring and winked at him. This was going to be a hell of a day.


Jimin's room door was closed blindly as his lips failed to leave Taehyung's. His breath speeds up and his hard pounds in his chest.

"Taehyung we can't do this not right now." He laughs as the taller pushed him on the bed and had gotten ready to throw his shirt off. "Horny much." He mumbles.

"Your ass looked so fat in those jeans how could I not want to hit it." Jimin sat up.

"In the middle of a kids birthday party." Jimin sat up and fixed his hair while walking to the mirror. Taehyung caught a glimpse of something red in the corner of his room.

"This... this is interesting." Jimin turned to him and the color drained out of his face. Jimin walked up to him and snatched the underwear.

"J-just get out!" Taehyung laughs and walks out of the room. While Jimin stays back and puts away the underwear.

The party had been going well. Everyone was there. And Jimin felt good his apartment was big enough to hold everyone.

"Excuse me hi." A lady with a wide smile came up to
Him. Must've been one of the kids' parents. Sometimes he forgot that Sunji went to a private school so Lots of the parents would be stuck up and annoying.

"Hello, is everything ok so far?" She gave him a weird smile.

"I Just wanted to meet his mother. You know a full family is a happy family." Jimin cocked his head to the side.

"I'm sorry what?" He says as his face altered and his smile dropped.

"You know the saying? A full family is a happy family." She says it again and before Jimin could knock a bitch out Hansun stood in front of him.

"I'm right here, nice to meet you." She smiles and holds her hand out and the lady took it.

"Oh, wonderful I can definitely see the resemblance in you too. What a nice little family." She walked away and Jimin blew steam.

"You were about to have your piñata right here." She laughs and Jimin joins. The laughter died down and she turned to look at him.

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