chapter # 6

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pov. Y/n

I'm just lying in bed when I get a notifacation. I grab my phone from my bedside table and look what it is. Its from whatsapp and I look from who. It is in the groupschat from Tommy, Wilbur and all the people of the dreamsmp. Wilbur asks something and I read the message.

wilby: Hey guys, what do you think of meeting up in Brighton? I will pay for the tickets and the hotel.

Omg this is awesome, I really want this so bad so I run to the kitchen where my mother is making dinner. When I open the door I already see Clay talking to my mother. "Hey y/n, are you here for the same reason as Clay?" I nod and she says: "If Clay makes sure nothing happens its ok." She says and I hug her before I go to my room where I have my phone. I open the chat and see that Tubbo answered that he can.


Clay: Yeah, I can to.

Wilby: great! I will send you guys the tickets.


We are a week later and everybody from the smp are coming. Some of them payed for themselves just like Clay. We have to wait 2 days until the break starts. I am a little nervous to see everybody, especialy Tommy. I don't know why but yeah.

Today's the day I go meet them all. My alarm clock goes of at 5 am. I get ready and then I'm going to the kitchen and grab some food. My mother brings Clay and me to the airport and the plane leaves at 9 am. 3 hours later we finally arrive at the airport. We have only one hour before we have to fly.

When we have checked in we say goodbye and walk to the plane. We sit on our seats and then we begin to fly. 


We walk to the place we're meeting, the starbucks. I know that Wilbur, Techno and Tommy are already there so we have to wait for a lot of people. We walk to the starbucks and when we are there I can hear the voices of my friends. I look and see them sit at a table. I point with my finger to them and say to Clay: "look th esyare there." He nods and we walks to the table.

"Hi guys!" I say and wave at them for a second. "Oh hi Clay and y/n." Wilbur says and stands up to give us a hug. This is the moment I realize how tall Wilbur actually is. First he gives Clay a hug and then coming to me. I smile at him and hug him. His arms closing around me and we hug. Then techno stands up and gives us both a hug. He is not that tall but still is bigger as me. Both Wilbur and Techno sits down and now Tommy stands up to gives us a hug. First he gives Clay a hug and then he walks towards me. Tommy is also bigger then me so he have to look down to look at me. He gives me a hug and I hug him back. We stand there for I think a minute and then the three of us sit down at the chair.

"Hi guys." I hear  from my right side and see Tubvo, George and Sapnap. "Hello." I say and give them all a hug. The rest gives a hug two and we wait for the rest.

We are a hour later and everyone's here. We all decided we first go to WWilbursplace. He have some place where some people are sleeping. The rest going to a hotel close from here. Clay, Tommy, Niki, Tubbo and me stays in Wilburs house and the rest in the hotel. We drops our stuff by wilburs place and then we are heading to the hotel. Wilbur already reserved rooms so we only have to ask for the keys. The people who wanted to pay for themselves already gave Wilbur the money. Clay gave him the money, he pays for me two because I cant pay it.

They all dropped their stuff at their rooms, all the rooms are for 2 people. And yes, there are 2 beds. Again we go to wilburs place to watch movies untill its late and everyone wants to sleep. The group who stays in the hotel are walking to the hotel because it is super close. We all go to our rooms and brush our teeths and go sleep.

Hi guys,
I hope you guys like it.
I write the most of it while watching my friends stream.
Its on twitch and het twichname is noopymel.
I really like her streams and if you do please follow her. :))

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