Chapter 2: Missing

Start from the beginning

As the stream continued on for an hour or so, those thoughts were forgotten as he worked on other projects within the smp and spoke with other members who joined the call briefly. He leaned back in his chair chuckling at a silly remark from Fundy, but then glanced to his door and lifted his headphones off one ear. 

"Hold on guys, I think my parents are calling me. Fundy! Entertain the chat for me" Tubbo yelled as he left his room. 

Tubbo hurriedly came downstairs to see what they wanted "What is it?" He questioned, as he peeked into the living room. His relaxed smile gradually became slack as he registered their grave expressions; they looked at him in a gentle way as though they were nervous to tell him something and it unsettled him, making his stomach tighten. 

"Wait...what happened?" He continued, a slight edge to his voice as he felt something was off.

"Toby, I'm sure it will be ok, but you need to listen calmly." His mum began, as she gestured for him to come over.


Tommy was missing. Missing. Yesterday evening someone had taken him....They kidnapped him, and he hadn't realised anything. He had been playing games and laughing like any other day while Tommy was in danger, and scared, and hurt...or...or worse. What if he was already-

"Toby! It's alright, take deep breaths, it's going to be ok. I'm sure they will find him." His mum's voice snapped him out of his increasingly panicked thoughts. He suddenly realised how much he was shaking, and his vision was blurred with the tears that filled them. His mum continued to talk with one arm wrapping him closer to her. "The blood they found was his...But they caught a suspicious van with a hidden license plate down the road near the scene on CCTV. They're trying to track it right now and the police are working very hard to get to him as soon as possible. I know they can find him " She explained softly. 

Tubbo wiped away his tears and took a few deeper breaths. "I-I know...I'm j-just scared. How could this have happened, I just- I don't know what if he's already so far away, what if I actually don't see him again."

"You will. I know your worried, we all are, but for now you've got to try your best to stay strong until they get him home safe. I'm going to give you a little time alone but let me know whenever you need me." His mum said more confidently, before giving a ruffle of his hair and more persistent reassurances it was going to be alright. Tubbo gave a light smile and murmured a thanks as she left into another room. 

A few minutes passed with Tubbo quietly sitting in the living room slowly composing himself. Suddenly he let out a gasp, he'd completely forgotten about the stream. How much time had passed? He hoped the chat hadn't gone mad with worry. He grimaced at the thought of going back and coming up with some excuse for having to go. But at the same time he also wanted to seek some kind of distraction and had the urge to speak with his chat and friends. It was probably best to just end the stream as soon as he could, but he didn't want to risk people finding out either. He cleared up his face in the bathroom, although his eyes and cheeks were still quite red. He took a few more deep breaths and went back into his room, nervously approaching his desk and putting on his headphones. 

"Hello?" Crap, his voice still sounded a lot shakier than he expected. He coughed and tried to get it back to normal. "I'm so sorry, how long was I gone?"

"Tubbo!" Fundy's loud voice came through his headset, "It's almost been 20 minutes where have you been?"

"Yeah, I'm really sorry Fundy, chat, my parents where um- asking for help with something and then I got distracted getting food." He winced, hoping his excuse wouldn't make anyone suspicious. 

Lost (TommyInnit Fanfiction -Angst/Hurt Comfort)Where stories live. Discover now