Sakura hummed in acknowledgement and ran her fingers through his hair. He leaned down and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Listen, I'm super stoked I'm with like... Aqua Man," she joked and turned to kiss his head. "But you need to stop worrying so much. I know that this is definitely something we're all gonna have to worry about, especially when it's closer to Hinata's birthday, but for now let's just enjoy each other's presence. Naruto is happier than I've seen him in awhile and so am I."

Sasuke raised his head and nodded. The upcoming battles they would have to face weren't one that they could fight together. It was one that only he and Hinata could face.


"Am I allowed to stay at your dorm tonight?" Hinata asked after she noticed Sasuke leave the living area. "I have been in the ocean the past few nights to be with my mother."

Naruto perked up and put his drink down on the coffe table. "Oh, what's wrong with your mom? Is she okay?"

Hinata cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean? She is just fine."

"Then why have you been with her every night?" He asked.

"Oh," Hinata looked away. "I-I have just been spending time with her. She is just concerned for my well-being here on land."

Naruto eyed her for a minute. She avoided his eye contact further as he stared but he just shrugged it off. "Uh, okay. Well yeah, you can come over. Shikamaru is spending the weekend at home so you can probably stay until Monday."

She turned with a small smile. "Really?"


Hinata finally made eye contact with him and while Naruto was going to tease her for it he just... couldn't. Her big lilac eyes got all glowy and Naruto really loved when that happened. It had been about two weeks since she returned to Konoha and Naruto found more and more things to love about her with each moment he was in her presence.

"Hey, Hinata?" he said softly and leaned back into the couch. She hummed in response and awaited his question. "Why do your eyes do that?"

"Do what?"

"Glow." He answered. "Whenever you get excited or happy they glow."

Hinata's eyes dimmed considerably once he pointed it out. She turned a light pink shade and then raised her hands to cover her eyes. Naruto then immediately regretted his words since they seemed to have caused her stress.

"H-hey, I didn't mean anything bad by it," he reassured. The blond scooted closer to her on the couch and placed a hand on her shoulder and the other on her thigh. "I think it's cute."

He felt her body relax under the palms of his hands once he said that. Then an idea crossed his mind.

"I think your eyes are beautiful, especially when they glow." Naruto said gently, testing the waters. When he saw her shoulders drop he smiled to himself. "And you're definitely the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You have the nicest smile though you don't smile enough. And don't even get me started on your body because then we'll be here for days." He snickered at the last part but knew that Hinata just needed reassurance. Especially since she had become much more aware of what other women looked like (i.e Temari) after her and Naruto officially began their relationship.

She lowered her hands from her eyes. Now, they weren't glowing but Naruto still smiled. "There you are," he said. "Can I see your pretty smile now?"

The Difference Between Us •NaruHina•Where stories live. Discover now