As if on instinct, Bakugo lowered his voice as he reached down to pick a single marble up. "I'm Katsuki Bakugo, I live next door and one day I'm going to be the number one hero!"

Your eyes perk up at the mention of the hero and you finally showed your whole face to him. "Hero? I want to be a hero too," you say shyly with a small smile.

Bakugo puffs his chest out. "Oh yeah? What's your quirk? Mines this!"

He lifts his palm and suddenly little small explosions burst out from his hand, making your eyes widen in bewilderment. It reminded you of little sparklers like on New Year's Eve!

You suddenly felt more comfortable with this new boy and you find yourself reaching out to touch the small marble in his hand, your quirk activating. The marble suddenly became very heavy, making Bakugo drop to the floor as the marble weighed him down. His mouth drops open in surprise and you couldn't help but giggle.

"I can change the density of any object I touch," you explain, your finger touching the marble and it suddenly became light again.

Bakugo was surprised but also impressed. He wasn't one to praise another person's quirk since he had the best one of all, but he found himself wanting to make you happy.

"That's cool, what's your name?"

"I'm (Y/N)," you introduced yourself. "Do you want to play with me, Katsuki?"

Since then you two practically played everyday together. You also attended the same school, however Bakugo was different at school than he was at home. It wasn't because he was ashamed of you in anyway, no far from it. He saw the way other alphas looked at you, it was one of the reasons he wanted you to keep your omega secret. However, since Midoriya mysteriously acquired a quirk, he needed to work even harder to prove to that beta nobody that he will never be better than him. Having a girlfriend...a mate...only meant he had a weakness, a weakness others could use against him. The last thing he wanted for (Y/N) to get caught up in his rivalry.

So when you expressed how you felt as though you were holding him back, it made his heart hurt. Because he didn't hide your relationship because he was ashamed of you, but because he wanted to protect you.

Bakugo sucks his teeth in irritation, turning on his side as he stared at his phone. He wanted to hear your voice, to hold you close. But he knew you needed space. He'll just see you at school.


A week passed since the last time you were at school and you were nervous to see what your classmates had to say about the little incident. As you walked down the hall, you could already feel the rumors dancing around you. Being an omega wasn't a rarity by any means, but it was at a hero school.

"Shouldn't you be learning how to cook and clean little omega?"

She could practically hear the comments already, even though no body was saying anything. Now that she's reached her heat, her scent would have changed and she would be more attractive to all the alphas in school.

"(L/N)!" A voice says behind you and you turn to see a certain red head pushing his way to get to you. Kirishima was one of the very few classmates you maintained contact with.

"Kirishima, hey," you say with a small smile.

"How are you feeling?" He flashes a toothy sharp grin.

Nodding your head, you couldn't help but pick up on his scent. "I'm okay."

But you were in fact, not okay. Not only were you still heartbroken from your secret relationship coming to an end, but also because Bakugo hasn't even attempted to rekindle with you. In fact he wasn't even waiting to walk you to school like he usually does. Midoriya was kind enough to escort you safely to the school grounds, but he disappeared once you arrived, probably talking to Urakaka.

"So hey, I was thinking maybe you could sit with me at lunch, if you like," he offers, bringing you out of your thoughts.

As you open your mouth to respond, you hear a small growl from behind you. The two of you both turn to see an  angry looking Bakugo stomping over in your direction. Seeing him made your heart skip a beat and your hopes grew high at the anticipation of him proclaiming his love for you in front of his best friend.

But you were deeply mistaken as he shoves past the two of you. "Out of the way losers! If you spent more time getting to class than flirting all damn morning the fucking hall wouldn't stink!"

Kirishima uncharacteristically glared after him before turning back to you. His strong hand reaches out to rub the shoulder Bakugo bumped. "You okay little omega?"

You feel your face warm as he displayed typical alpha behavior towards you, something he had never done in the past. You had to remember now that you were known as an omega, you were going to be treated differently.

"Yeah, I don't know what's gotten into him," you scowled.

Kirishima shrugs his shoulders. "He's probably in a rut. To be honest, a lot of the alphas around here have been acting differently since your scent has been wandering around. But don't worry, I'll protect you," he winks and you blush even deeper.

"T-thank you," you say to him and his hand leaves your shoulder. "And yes, I'll sit with you."

Unbeknownst to you, a certain classmate of yours was watching the whole exchange with a snarl on his face. Bakugo didn't like his supposed friend interacting with his omega, and he wanted nothing more than to explode that hard headed rock boy deep into the ground.

(Y/N)'s mine, and she's going to remember that.

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