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I'm not okay, but that's okay. It's okay to be not okay, right? Am I insane for admiring her, as she deserves to be? She's beautiful, too beautiful. Her smooth porcelain skin, without flaw. Rosy cheeks, perfect cheekbones...how I long to caress her face, though I might taint her with my touch. She's a work of art. After all, she comes from a family of artists. She is art. An artist's creation, made from pure love. I want to give her that love, and experience it as well. With her, and only her. I hope she's into girls...

Look! Here she comes. She walks in the classroom ever so gracefully, long lean arms at her side, clutching her powder blue bag that complements her skin tone so majestically. Her bright round eyes scan the room before taking the seat in front of me. Perfect. Her lavender and musk perfume fill the air around me as I take a deep breath. Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I embrace the quick high her scent gives me. Is that wrong? Am I bad? I'm merely appreciating her taste in fragrances!

Suddenly, she turns around. "I forgot my book, do you mind sharing with me today?" she breathed, mouth forming a pout. I look into her deep emerald eyes. I must have taken too long to answer because she speaks again."Shit, how rude, I'm sorry! I'm Leah," her voice lively. "What's your name?"
"Cate. Yes, of course we can share today, I don't mind at all." I answered with a smile.
Leah flashes a smile, "Great! Thanks!"

An hour later, the bell rang. What a drag! I wish I had more time. Wish we could have done more. Wish we could have been alone! Soon. I thought. Leah grabs her bag and stands up, head turned to me.
"Thanks again! It was nice to meet you!" she assured. "Anytime, and likewise...I'll see you around." I answered cooly. I couldn't appear desperate, even thought I might be. All the boys want her, and she knows it. So I can't just be another one of her followers. I need to stand out. I need to befriend her, gain her trust. And I will. Slowly, but surely. I will get there.

Watch me.

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