Chapter Ten

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An orange lizard was sent flying back into a tree a few meters away from him. The tree groaned along with the Fire Starter at the impact. Within moments however it was back on its feet running clumsily toward the yellow mouse that had hit it.

Satoshi watched with little interest as two of his Pokémon duked it out to decide the leader of the team, far more interested in the map in his hands. He'd been staring at it for more then five minutes, enough time for the Spearow he caught to be brutally decimated by his partner and starter as punishment.

As for why it was punishment, it was quite simple. The jerky little bird had chased them relentlessly with its flock of thirty after Loki zapped it with a Thunder Shock for randomly attacking them. They were lucky enough that in their desperation to survive Loki had somehow summoned a short passing storm, whose Thunder zapped Loki amplifying his own Thunderbolt, taking out the flock in one shot. He'd caught most of them, with Pokéballs Daisy had obviously stolen from her grandfather, mainly to turn over for money, but he was going to keep the jerky bird that had started it all.

However as a result of the chase, they were now completely lost in the woods surrounding Route One. The birds were lucky their meat didn't taste well. As for the storm his partner summoned, he didn't know how to do it again not that they needed it. However the randomness of it reminded him of the huge storm he had met the mouse in. Maybe he had been right in his theory that it was caused by a Pokémon.

Back to the map though as he stared at all the lines and different bits of green that represented the woods...

He didn't even know where to start. In the first place he had only learned how to read these confusing things enough that he could know which road was which.


He quickly dove out of the way as Ignis came flying toward the tree he was resting against. Standing up from the ground he glared at the pair of battling, if you could call Loki ruthlessly crushing the Fire Starter that, Pokémon.

"Char Char!" Ignis bowed its head in apology it seemed scared of him not that he understood why.

Loki merely gave him a look that he understood was a warning from his partner, he was being reminded to always be vigilant. He paused as he followed its eyes and immediately understood why.

A small purple rat, he recognized as a Rattata, was running from his open backpack with a Pecha berry in its mouth. Immediately he threw a Pokéball at the rat, watching as it dropped the Pecha Berry as it was sucked in.

The ball rattled as it blinked red lights. Brrvv. Brrvv. Brrvv. Ding! A click-like ding was heard signifying a successful capture. Walking over Satoshi picked up the ball staring it as his body tensed and he felt cold at his lack of vigilance especially as it combined with the slight feeling of burning unique to his 'attacks'.

If it had been a Ekans or a Nidoran, both Poison Types, he could be suffering greatly at the moment. He cast a look over at his partner giving him a grateful nod at the reminder.

A soft growl caught his attention as he felt claws grab onto his pants. With a glance down he saw the pleading eyes of Ignis. He stared in confusion, he didn't understand this Pokémon of his. The Charmander hadn't even been holding onto him for five seconds before he was sent flying by a yellow lightning shaped tail.

Loki crawled up him to his perch on his shoulder while he growled at the offending Fire Starter. Satoshi immediately ended this turn of events as he sent a stern glance at Loki, "Stop."

The mouse's ears dropped at the scolding. Slowly Satoshi walked up to the cowering starter kneeling down before it. With an extremely slow hand he reached out to rest it on the lizard's head. "Sorry." He whispered as he pet its head.

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