Chapter 1: Society l

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"No one is born equally, some have powers that show off their status, while others are treated lower than trash, the rest like me are considered "mysteries " to society."

~Izuku POV~
It was that time of year. Everyone started to get a quirk some powerful and can be used for good and others very minor. I woke up and ran to my mom Inko and said it was time to go to the quirk doctor. "Okay, okay honey just let me get out of bed and then we'll go ok?" Inko said in a positive and motherly voice. We then got ready and we drove off to the quirk doctor.

"It seems that Izuku hare has a strange quirk," the doctor said a little nervous. "What could it be?" Inko asked the doctor. "Oh it's that Izuku has a villain like quirk with a dark red aura surrounding it," the doctor responded. "Oh okay it doesn't matter if he has a villainies quirk he's still my son no matter what," Inko responded back in a confidence tone. "M-mommy w-will I-I-I be a v-villain?" Izuku asked Inko in a very frighten tone. "Of course not," Inko said.

Izuku smiled nervously for a bit until He asked, "What dose my quirk do?" "Oh, umm it allows you to summon bones that are sharp ended and you can fire them at your enemy with high precision and speed. These bones will always have a type of red, evil aura coming out of them." The docket said to Izuku. One thing the doctor did not know was he would has several more abilities that weren't even classified as quirks.

~The next day~
Izuku was at the playground and he saw a kid getting bullied by Bakugou. Izuku being Izuku ran in trying to save the other kid. Bakugou was about to punch Izuku but something stoped his hand, something big stoped his hand. Even when Bakugou used his quirk to punch it did nothing to the four eyed, white dragon skull, with a hell red aura around it.

Izuku was extremely scared of what was right in front of him but Bakugou was even more scard of it. The blaster them disappeared because Izuku didn't make it do anything was it just dissolved into nothing. Everyone there was standing in shock of what just happen and they quickly traced it back to Izuku because it appeared in front of Izuku to take a hit. Not a few seconds later almost everyone at the playground was calling Izuku a villain with a villains quirk.

~flash forward~
(Middle school before UA Externship)
Izuku was sitting alone minding his own business until a certain someone came up to his desk. It was Katsuki Bakugou "well well well, if it isn't the villain himself," he said. Izuku tried his best to ignore what his 'friend' told him but that soon failed. Bakugou just tried slightly harder to the point where he started to use his quirk. All this did was Izuku get bourd, and then he decided to just teleport away with his stuff while others saying anything. The cycle repeats almost everyday until the end 7th grade.

~flash forward V2~
It was the last day. Almost everyone was excited to leave and either go to 8th grade or become a hero. The teacher walked up to his desk and dropped a large stack of papers on it. "Okay now it's time to choose what you want to be in life- just kidding I know you all want to be hero's," he said as he threw the stack of papers into the air. Almost everyone in the classroom bursted out in excitement and began to show off their "quirks." Everyone except two Bakugou, and Izuku.

"Don't put me up with this bunch of losers I'm the real deal these guys would be lucky to get a side job with some busted D-lister hero," Bakugou said in a confident tone while leaning on his chair. This however did not come without backlash from the class who yelled back him. Izuku not wanting to get any attention was about to pack his stuff before. "Izuku Midoria didn't you want to become a hero too at UA?" The teacher said out loud. This got the attention of everyone in the class. Everyone was silent for a few seconds until Bakugou bursted out laughing. "That villain want to become a hero?" He said while still laughing to himself. No one in the responded to this. Most just whispered among themselves.

It was the end of class even was packing up and getting going home. Izuku was one of the last to leave thanks to the fact he was still trying to mentally recover from what happened earlier, and that was when Izuku just gave up. How could he get the approval of the people he was saving when he couldn't even get the approval of his classmates. Izuku made it out side and found the nearest "dark spot" so he could use something he personally named "shortcut" without anyone knowing, but before he could take a step he was stoped by non other then Bakugou. "Just to give you a heads up, if you ever go to UA and become a hero I will make it my personal goal to shatter your dreams got that." He said. Izuku just replied, "sure whatever there's nothing left to destroy anyway."

"I'm no hero" (MHA x undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now