The Death Eaters nodded, and before splitting off, they took the hostages inside for interrogation on Harry's whereabouts.

She wished she knew which one was Draco, but she couldn't tell underneath the mask. Which still doesn't make sense why Harry could tell it was Vena.

Pushing that thought underneath the soil in her mind, she grabbed onto Ginny, who was the smallest and seemingly easiest to grab. However, that didn't mean it actually was easy.

Ginny thrashed and shook about, attempting to throw Vena off. She wished that she could let go and release everyone to fight against the Death Eaters. And as much as Vena wanted to prove she was good, she had to keep up appearances.

They dragged the Weasley's, Professor Lupin, and the unidentifiable woman into what looked like the living room.

Once her brother and the others apparated away, Macnair took off his mask. Amycus did the same, so Vena followed.

She masked her face into disinterest and boredom, a face her brother constantly pulls. She pushed down all of the guilt deep into the soil. She blocked off the memory of Harry telling her what it was like to stay at the Burrow.

She ignored the gasps that came from Ginny's mouth, knowing that she was the most betrayed. After all, the two had played Quidditch together for two years.

Macnair wasted no time in finding the golden trio's whereabouts. Vena walked over to confiscate their wands, ignoring Ginny's glare.

"Where is the boy?" Macnair asked, pointing his wand at the group.

"We don't know. Even if we did, we wouldn't tell you," the woman Vena did not know sneered.

"Stop talking, please, you'll only make it worse for you, Tonks," Professor Lupin said.

Tonks. Vena recognized that last name. If she remembered correctly, her Aunt Andromeda had married someone named Tonks.

She remembered seeing the name on the Black family tree in Harry's memory, when she was practicing Legilimency on him. The memory of Harry hugging Sirius came to the front of her mind, and Vena pushed that down too.

But if this woman was their daughter, it meant that Tonks was her cousin. It pained Vena to know that there was family out there that Vena didn't even know.

Macnair sneered, and pointed his wand to Mrs. Weasley. "If Potter isn't here, then where's your son? And the Mud-blood?"

Mrs. Weasley said nothing, which caused Vena and Carrow having to point their wand at her as well. Mrs. Weasley was on the verge of tears, and she couldn't seem to find her voice.

"We don't know where Harry is. We don't know where Hermione is. But Ron is upstairs in our attic with Spattergoit. The Mediwitch at St. Mungo's believe he won't be able to go to Hogwarts this year," Mr. Weasley said harshly.

Macnair turned to Vena. "Go upstairs. Check. And if Weasley isn't there, I'll let you get first pick on who to torture first."

She nodded, and once again ignored the glares coming from Ginny and the twins.

Vena rounded the corner to reach the stairs, and began her journey to the very top of the house. It was quite a bit of stairs, and even though Vena was fit from Quidditch, she was still winded by the time she reached the top. She didn't understand how anyone could walk up and down these stairs everyday.

She walked through the only room on the top level, which was decorated with Chudley Cannon posters and red and gold decorations. There were two beds, which Vena assumed was for Ron and Harry. Their trunks were at the foot of each bed, and dirty socks littered the floor.

Hanging from the ceiling of the corner of the room was a rope, and Vena found that when she pulled the rope it would bring down the stairs to reach the attic.

Climbing up the stairs, she could already hear someone groaning. Reaching the top, she hesitantly peered around the corner where the noise was coming from.

Vena knew whoever was there wasn't Ron, but she was still nervous as to who or what it actually was. Walking closer, she could see the faint outline of a creature that wore a red wig, with bumps and scars on its face.

It was a troll.

"That bloody genius," Vena whispered, extremely impressed with the cover-up.

The troll groaned in response.

She quietly walked down the steps, careful not to wake the Troll. She closed the latch, and walked over to the trunks in hope to find quill and parchment.

Vena riffled through what she assumed was Ron's trunk, since he was at the foot of the Chudley Canon themed wall.

To her luck, she found a semi-functional quill, an almost empty pot of ink, and a half a roll of parchment. She quickly wrote her note, hoping that Macnair wouldn't be too suspicious with how long she was taking.

She placed the items back in the trunk, which wasn't really necessary because it's not like Ron and Harry would come home and notice. They were on the run now.

Vena took one last look around the room, picturing Harry there. She could almost smell the pine trees. She pictured his smile, and his eyes, and with that final image, she walked back downstairs.

Going down the stairs was slightly better than going up, but Vena was still breathing heavy by the time she had made her way to the bottom.

She walked into the living room, with the Weasley's still tied up and Macnair and Carrow pointing their wands at the lot.

"They're telling the truth. He's sick. Weasley won't be able to attend Hogwarts this year," Vena said, making sure her face showed no detection of a lie.

Macnair sneered at the captives. "You got lucky, blood traitors." He turned to Carrow and Vena. "We must report to the Dark Lord now."

Macnair and Carrow disapparated, and Vena locked eyes with Ginny. Ginny was already looking at her, and Vena dropped the note, and disapparated.



I am so mentally drained from dance u guys I can't wait for it to be over. Like I'm falling behind in school, and my body is so tired. Today I cried at practice cuz my hip and knee hurt so much and I literally never cry. But we were recording our dances for a virtual competition and my coach made us do it a second time even tho it hurt so much that I couldn't even walk. I was so mad that she made us do it again cuz the only reason why the first one was bad cuz of the last like ten seconds of the dance it just frustrates me so much. Anwau, in my opinion this is a boring chapter, and I forgot that Harry was in this for like a split second lol. But yes, Harry did know that it was Vena. I like to think it's just one of those gut feelings, and even tho she was under the mask he still knew it was her cuz he's in love with her ya know. Enjoy the chapter!!!


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