A Wolf is Born pt 1

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Legoshi POV

There was an assembly today, and the drama club was being rewarded.  Me and all the other members were standing on stage.

School Principal: All of you on this stage overcame the differences and challenges among species and therefore have earned a prestigious prize.  Your contributions have allowed Cherryton to thrive and prosper!  Which is why we have gathered here today so I could present, the Cherryton honor award to you all

The audience cheers as our principal hands the reward to Louis.

School Principal: I expect another successful year ahead for the drama club

Louis: Of course sir, you can count on it

Then Louis went to the speaker as people continued to cheer excitedly.

Louis: Coexistence and Coprosperity, our drama club, will continue to demonstrate its glory on this stage!

I was standing just behind Louis watching, the audience was moved.  I mean, so am I.  He's so amazing.


Kai: Coexistence? What a joke.

Me and Kai were sitting up on the loft above where the actors were practicing.

Legoshi: Keep it down would ya?

Kai: He kicked me off the actors team!  Why would I care who hears?

Me and Kai watched the actors practice dancing and sword fighting.

Kai: I'm not as bitter as I was before though

Legoshi: I'm glad to hear it

Kai: I was wondering, have you ever thought about joining the actors team? 

Legoshi: who me? Never.  Oh hey those lights need a little adjusting

I walked across the loft to the light when Kai spoke.

Kai: Then you must have been pretty surprised when you were scouted by the advisor

Legoshi: What?

Kai: You can only join this club if they scout you.  It's exclusive to those who they consider worthy of representing the drama club.

Legoshi: Okay, so what do they judge you on?

Kai: Oh come on, don't tell me you joined the drama club without knowing any of this.

Can I just fix this light...please?

Kai: For example, lets take Sheila the from the dance team.  At age fourteen that Cheetah was scouted why she worked part time as a dominatrix at a BDSM club to make ends meet.  Mina the Giraffe can't look at her own body cause she has Trypophobia.  Moro the Rhino believes he sees his guardian angel when it's really his own horns in his line of sight.  And in case you were wondering about me, a mongoose who was abandoned at birth and was raised by a family of hyenas.  And the list goes on and on. 

I couldn't help but think of Louis at the moment, am I thinking about what Louis secret is or am I just attracted to his sword stances?

I couldn't help but think of Louis at the moment, am I thinking about what Louis secret is or am I just attracted to his sword stances?

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BITE ME!  (A Legoshi x Louis story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora