The Academy's Top Dogs pt 1

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Legoshi's POV

I don't wanna wake up, I wasn't even asleep. I just wanna be a shell, then I don't have to wake up.  Or sleep. Ever.

Collot: Legosi!

I awaken in my bed to Collot the sheepdog opening my curtains.

Collot: You can't just sleep the day away you know

I sit up, my eyes still heavy.  Collot pulls the side of my sleepy face

Collot: Rise and shine scary face

Collot then proceeds to drag me out of bed as Durham the coyote walks out of the bathroom.

Durham:  Legosi, something tells me you didn't study for the math test either did you?

Legoshi: Nope

Durham: I sure know that feeling

Collot: Hurry up and get changed Legoshi

I stand staring at the bedroom mirror practically dead eyed.  I had a rough night and I looked exhausted.  But I didn't notice my best friend Jack the Labrador looking at me with concern.  But I was too unfocused after what happened just last night.


I'm kneeling on the ground, my arms clinging around Louis. 

That heartbeat, is it mine?  Is it his? He feels so...warm.  And weirdly...small.  He moves around a lot.  His breathe is making my arm wet.  Under his clothes, whats...under his soft fur-stop! 
What should I do?  He should have tried to get away by now but he's not doing anything.  But maybe that's...a good thing.  How satisfying would it be in my mouth?  The warm flesh.
My hands w-won't stop.

?: That's how It should be

My eyes dart around looking for the source of that voice, I see further away a black distorted figure.

?: You have struggled...your entire life.  And've reached your limit

It starts walking towards me.

Legoshi: Go away, Stop!

?: You've suppressed your feelings, ever since you were a kid.  And you lived quietly in the darkness haven't you?  Is that sadness you feel?  Or is it...frustration?

Legoshi: S-Stop

?: It's neither.  You feel joy from the bottom of your heart

I start to panic.

Legoshi: N-No, stop, stop!

Then I am faced with who is speaking to me,   feral natural Instincts.

?:Look at me! Face yourself! Don't look away.  I'm growing bigger, can you see?

Legoshi: I won't look!  Go away

By now I'm on the verge of tears

?: I know your ready.  The fun part is just starting.  All it takes is one bite!

I shut my eyes in fear.

Legoshi: D-Damn it, I cant.  I can't eat Louis!

?: You've longed for this taste, for seventeen years

I can't hold it back anymore.  I start bearing my fangs.

Legoshi: I'll eat you!  I'll eat you!

My claws start to dig deep into Louis leg.

I open my mouth to sink my teeth into Louis when I hear my name being called out. 

Zoe: Legoshi!

BITE ME!  (A Legoshi x Louis story)Where stories live. Discover now