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I found a flower today! It looks beautiful. It’s blue, which is quite rare for flora, but that just makes it all the more special. I’ll leave it alone though, picking it will only kill its beauty.

I thought there was no other life in the forest other than us! There have been no birds or other animals around, it is actually pretty eerie

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I thought there was no other life in the forest other than us! There have been no birds or other animals around, it is actually pretty eerie. But guess what! I saw a bunny while looking at the blue flower! It was grey and white, it just sat there.

 But guess what! I saw a bunny while looking at the blue flower! It was grey and white, it just sat there

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 I hate to say that the bunny did not live very long. I was sent out to get food, and a rabbit that big is rare, and I couldn't let it go to waste. I killed it with one of the knives that keep appearing, it seems that being here has not stopped that. 

Getting another catch like this probably won’t happen for a while, and this is not enough for everyone, so if I don’t find more food than this or we start eating plants, we are going to starve

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Getting another catch like this probably won’t happen for a while, and this is not enough for everyone, so if I don’t find more food than this or we start eating plants, we are going to starve. I fear for Cake’s and Gelatin’s safety...

Coiny’s POV:

I really don’t like game night when it comes to Pin, she always wins! I swear she is cheating! It’s not fair.

Maybe if I practice I will be able to win, though, but that would take forever. Well, that’s fine! Practice makes-



I jump at least a foot in the air at the sound of Pin and Firey bursting into the room, both talking at the same time.

Pin had a leather book with a dried bloodstain on the side. They seemed sad and excited at the same time, Firey looked like he was trying to keep himself from crying. 

“What’s wrong? '' I was curious to know what about that weird book was getting them so excited.

“We think we may have found Leafy’s journal!” I was confused by that, I had guessed that Leafy had a journal, I don’t know why they seem so worked up about it.

“And? I kinda guessed she had one?”

“This was made after she went missing.” my heart pretty much stopped at that as the color drained from my face.


“I found it on the porch!”

“Apparently they are trapped in a forest?”

I grab the book from Pin and open it. I read the first few pages before freezing, this was definitely Leafy’s handwriting. 

“Where did you find this?”

“I already said I had found it on the porch. I tripped on it!”

I look back down at the book. This could possibly help find out what happened to the 10 that went missing. This could possibly help us find them.

“What are we going to do?” Firey seemed nervous, if anyone else knows we have this they may try to take it. 

“We possibly have the answers to what happened to the missing objects! I say we show this to everyone else!” Pin seemed very distressed right now, her eyes glassy.

“But this is Leafy’s! We can’t just give it out to people!” Firey looked at the verge of tears, his hands trembling.

“How about we keep it for now, but if we find any information that could tell where they are we give it to GB to analyze or something.” they both looked at me for a few seconds before nodding.

We all look at each other and then at the journal. What now?

Blocky’s POV:

It’s hard. I failed him. I failed my own son.

For a while i didn’t see Grassy as my child, I saw him more as a kid who needed guidance and protection, which slowly turned into a father-son relationship. 

“Are you doing alright?” Basketball. She had felt the pain of Grassy’s loss just as much as I did. She saw him as her child just as much as I did. 

We were in Grassy’s room right now. I would come in here a lot, trying to convince myself that he is still here, that I'm coming to wake him up for breakfast or to play with cars, his favorite game, with him.

“You know that i’m always here if you need something.” Basketball came over to sit next to me, leaning on my side.

“I know… It just isn’t the same…” I didn’t know I was crying until Basketball wiped my tears from my cheek.

“It’s not the same from either of us,” Basketball smiled, “But i bet the others are taking great care of him!”

“Are you sure?” 


Basketball stood up before walking toward the door and then looking at me. 

“Are you hungry, I’ll make some scrambled eggs.”


Bubble’s POV:

Everything hurts.

The bruises on my limbs were a dark purple, and I can’t count the amount of times I had been popped by Pencil today alone. 

I walked past Book and Ice Cube, who Pencil had blackmailed into joining the alliance again. Both of them gave me a sad look. I walk faster, I don’t need their pity. 

The alliance has changed, and there's nothing I can do about it. I might as well stay that night at Pin’s house again, she’s always been very kind to me. 

As I exit the house I shiver at the cold air. Winter will be coming up soon. I hate the winter.

I follow the dirt path to their two story house. 

I climb the steps to the porch and knock on their door. I could hear shuffling from inside before Coiny answered.

“Hey Bubble! Have you come to spend the night again?” 


He opened the door and let me into the house, as I walked into the living room I saw Pin and surprisingly Firey on the couch. 

 “Oh, hey Bubble.” Pin waved at me. Firey waved too but didn't say anything. He had a weird looking book in his hands. I decided not to comment on it though.

“Are you hungry?” Coiny appeared behind me, putting his arm on my shoulder, careful not to burn me.

“I guess..”

Coiny smiles and walks to the kitchen, I follow him. 

I look behind one more time to see Firey give the book to Pin, who opens it and starts to read whatever is written inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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