Meeting The Owner

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Jane put her blond hair into a ponytail and laughed a little. I continued to stare at the hotel in confusion. That stupid broken window. And the boy is still there. He hasn't moved at all and he won't take his eyes off of Jane.

"I think you are just a little wrong." Jane said looking at me. I sighed and looked over at Jane.

"Sorry, let's just get our stuff." I said as I finally unbuckled the seat belt.

"Wait, I gotta' call your brother, or do you want to." Jane asked. The slight pink in her hair was really appearing in the sun.

"I'll call him." I said pulling my phone out. I started calling his number.

"Good, I didn't feel like lying to your brother any more than what I have. I'll take your stuff inside." Jane said, stepping out of the car. She covered her face as she walked to the trunk. She grabbed the bags and started walking into the hotel. I pressed the call button.

"Hello?" Jason asked.

"Hey, I asked if i could go with Jane to a hotel just to get out of the house for a little." I said still sitting in the car uncomfortable.

"Elise, did you really think I didn't know? Jane asked if she could take you with." He said, slightly chuckling.

"She said you...that little liar. Anyways we made it to the hotel safely. We should be home by tomorrow." I said looking out the window.

"Alright, be careful. You know just in case." Jason said, trying not to tell me what happened.

"I love you too. I gotta go. Bye bye." I said as I hung up. I covered my mouth and nose and exited the car. The air was a little cold as I breathed out. I glanced up to see if that boy was still there but he was gone. The broken window was also gone. Not a single sign that there was a window. I opened the door to the hotel to see Jane sitting in one of the chairs with an elderly woman.

"Oh, here is my friend, I was waiting for." Jane said looking at me with a smug look on her face. "How was the call?"

"It went well. Who is this?" I asked looking at the elderly woman. She had plain white hair and her smile showed something I couldn't quite figure out.

"My name is Peace. You must be Elise, a lovely name." Peace said. I looked at her a little suspicious. "I'm the owner of this hotel, sorry if it doesn't seem appealing to the eye."

"Oh no, Elise said that it looked amazing when we entered the hotel's parking lot." Jane said smiling.

"Thank you dear." Peace said watching me closely.

"Yeah, your welcome." I said, a little uncomfortable by the older lady's eyes. 

"We should be getting to our room, it's pretty late." Jane said walking towards the elevator.

"I'm going to take the stairs. What floor is the room?" I said. Peace had a sadistic smile on her face as she turned away from Jane.

"Floor three. Race you!" Jane said as she entered the elevator. I opened the door to the stairs and bolted up. The steps creaked and groaned under my wait. The paint peeled off the walls the second I touched it.

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