Wrong Choice

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The smell was even stronger as the doors opened. I stared out into a large room. A girl stood with long black hair.

"Hello?" I asked as I stepped out of the elevator. As I stepped out I noticed her finger twitch.

"Help me." She said, her back still turned away from me.

I knew right away that it was Elise. No, I won't be tricked again. I took a step forward and she did the same. She stayed ten feet away. And she always matched my steps.

I ran forward and she did the same. Never turning around. 

"Please help me. I need your help." She pleaded again. I couldn't bear listening to that… thing, mimic my sister's voice. I took more steps forward.

The smell became stronger than before.

"Turn around." Her voice was cold and distant.

I slowly turned to see her right in front of me. Ten feet away, facing the elevator.

I turned back around and there she was facing away from me and the elevator.

I took a step back and she matched my step. Standing the way I stood.

"No." She muttered. I took three more steps back and she did the same. "No!" She screamed.

I ran backwards, never turning around to the elevator.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" She repeated over and over again. Her voice got louder as I entered the elevator.

The doors screamed shut, leaving the mimic in the room.


I sat down on the floor of the elevator.

"Did I make the right choice?" I asked myself. I began to doubt whether that was the real Elise or a mimic.


I watched as the doors opened. Erin was standing in the entrance of the elevator; his eyes seemed adaze. A small chuckle left his lips as he took a step into the elevator.

I got up and watched as he moved closer to me. His eyes seemed to go right through me as if I didn't exist.

"Erin?" I muttered. He stopped walking and began to laugh hysterically.

"Wrong choice." Erin continued to laugh. I stood confused as he turned away from me.

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