What would Caleb be doing in my position?

"Now I am willing to help you get this grade up. Yesterday in class we wrote an in-class essay on Gatsby. If I give you the prompt to take home, will you have it for me by Friday, please?" Mr. Portman asked, or rather pleaded.

I found myself in utter disbelief that this teacher still had so much faith in me. To everyone else I was some sort of lost cause. No one seemed to remember my brother who was accepted to Stanford, or maybe they were just too cautious to remind me of him. Still, no one pushed me, or helped me along, and told me I could do it. This was new.

I nodded and took the paper he was extending to me.

Then, he nodded. "I expect great things from you." I couldn't muster up and apt response, so instead I smiled and left, all emotion gone.

The halls were as empty and desolate as I felt, and my spirits dropped just a little more upon that realization. I heard a locker shut and when I turned my head, I noticed a familiar figure that belonged to Ashton. He wasn't too far off, but he either hadn't noticed me or was still ignoring me. Nevertheless, I walked quickly to him.

"Good afternoon, Ash -" I greeted him smiling, but I didn't get to finish because he brushed by me hastily and didn't even look me in the eyes. Turning around to go after him, I was not about to give up.

I gently grabbed his wrist, "Ashton, wait," He didn't react though, and he jerked his arm away from me.

"God just leave me alone, alright?" He spat, causing me to take a subconscious step back.

"But you said -"

"Why don't you tell me how it feels now?" He glared before storming off, leaving me infinitely more alone than I had been minutes before. Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I let out a deep sigh and leaned against the wall, wondering how my life could possibly be the mess that it is.


"Okay, spill it, girl," Jenny ordered. I stopped by Jay's Market after school, and they said they didn't need me, so instead I strolled over to the café. It was after four o'clock now, and Jenny was staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Spill what?" I asked, confused by her out of the blue question.

She rolled her hazel eyes. "Sami, honey, your eyes are like the window to your soul. What's got you so contemplative?"

"You think you know me so well, huh?" I teased with a small smile.

She grinned, "Hell yeah, I do! Plus, you've been staring off in to space for the last five minutes."

I chuckled, "Yeah you do know me."

"Is it that one sulky guy?"

I crinkled my nose. "A little bit." And there was all the family drama, but I was keeping that personal for now. Jenny certainly knew a lot about my circumstances, but she did not know each little detail.

"What's wrong?"

I sighed, "He's avoiding me and acting all stand-offish again. I think he is doing it to get back at me for something, but I don't know what."

Jenny gave me the most reassurance I had gotten all day. "Don't worry, honey. I'm sure he will come around," And she put her arm around my shoulder, flashing her motherly smile.

"I didn't think I would say this, but I sort of hope so," I sheepishly admitted. It had been nice having a friend, while it lasted anyways. That is, is Ashton and I could have even been considered friends.

She nearly smirked, "See? Being social isn't so awful!" I had to laugh at this.

The evening passed slowly. I tried not to, but I couldn't help but glance at the door every so often, wondering if Ashton's unknown anger towards me would prevent him from getting his free espresso.

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