The One Where They Talk

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I'm sorry, buddy :(
You doing okay?



George stared at the three dots that appeared and disappeared, then reappeared again only to leave the screen once more. Bad had been typing on and off for about three minutes.


Have you given any thought to who might be your soulmate? :0


George's eyes widened slightly. He sat up, his eyes lingering on the word.


The image of a tall boy with dirty blonde hair- it looked somewhat brown- and bright emerald eyes flashed in his mind. At least he thought they were emerald. Green eyes seemed more natural than yellow ones. The boy had tons of freckles dotting his face, trailing down to his neck as well. His smile was bright, charming, beautiful.

George had imagined what his soulmate would look like many times, only to shake off the images. His imagination made the boy too... unrealistic. Just the thought that the boy was actually real, let alone George's soulmate?

A guy like that would definitely have a female soulmate.

C, he called him. He had just picked the letter that suited him the most. C was seemingly the best choice.

George snapped back to reality to see that Bad had texted him a few other times.


George are you okay?
If the question made you uncomfortable, you don't have to answer

im okay, bad. sorry i just
spaced out for a second

Oh thank goodness
I was about to call 911 lol

dont do that, haha

But back to my question

i havent, no

Have you ever thought about
what he'd look like?


George wasn't sure if he should tell Bad. After all, it was weird. Imagining what your soulmate would look like?

Of course everyone imagines their soulmate to look like C. Tall, handsome, smart, perfect...

George nearly slapped himself.


yeah, i guess

Ooh! Can I know? :D

sure. not like he's real

You never know, it may be
someone I know :p

well, i imagine that hes tall,
got green eyes, a fuck ton of
freckles, dirty blonde hair,
and he likes to wear green


Bad was silent. George was about to ask him if he was okay until the familiar three dots appeared.

Hanahaki || DNF Fanfiction/AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang