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"... Night *yawn* GunGun, I hope we can do more things than today without people judging me..."

Tanaka nodded his head and pulled Souda closer to him... How much he loved hugging his boyfriend... He felt complete... It was everything he could ask for...

Souda woke up and stretched, "Huh?" He mumured, touching his waist to see if Gundham was still in bed with him... But that's when he smelt it... A good aroma of baked pancakes... His favorite!

"He's in the kitchen!" He smiled, trying to get up from the bed.

He grabbed his stick and made his way downstairs until he missed a step.

"Uwahh!" He shouted until he hit the floor.

"KAZUICHI!" Tanaka shouted, he stopped what he was doing and ran after his boyfriend.

"Kazuichi are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you need me to hold you?" He asked, his face seriously concerned.

"No No... I'm fine..." Kazuichi mumured.

"Are you sure? I can comfort you if you want?" Tanaka said with a soft smile, rubbing Kazuichis back.

"No... It's fine, really"

"Okay... But if you need any assistance with anything, let me know"

"I know..." Kazuichi got up and dusted himself off and tried grabbing his walking stick.

"Here, let me give it to you" Gundham said, handing the object to his boyfriend.

"... Thanks" He chuckled softly, holding onto the item.

"Kazuichi, if you need a-"

"I know I know, you already told me that before, and I know im not gonna need heeEELP!" He shouted as he fell onto the floor again.


"Now what was that you were saying?" Tanaka smirked.

"... Fine! I know! I do need help!" He groaned, shoving his hands infront of his boyfriend, signalling him to walk closer to him so he can hold him.

Gundham took a step front and lifted Kazuichi up, putting him over his shoulders, "Wee!!" He smiled, throwing his hands in the air.

"I feel like a little boy agai- except for... *that* " He chuckled.

"Hm... If *that* is still bothering you, would you perhaps need to talk to me about it?" He asked.

"No... I'm fine" He said, a smile appearing on his face.

"... Okay... I just don't want any negative energy to appear and strike you like a cross bow" He said, carressing his boyfriends thigh that was on one shoulder.


"..." Kazuichi rested his chin on Gundhams head and hugged him.

"I love you!" He smiled.

"I love you as much my dark one... " He chuckled, "I would do absolutely anything to make you happy-" He ended his sentence as soon as something came in mind....

"Babe, you good? Your being quiet" He asked, tapping his head.

"Hmm? Y-Yes! I just can't comprehend on how much excitement I have right now, after all, your birthday is next week" He smiled, starting to squeeze Kazuichis thigh.

"Hehe! Okay! I'm excited too!" He giggled.

That laugh...

That laugh was his favorite...

Everything the pink haired boy did...
He absolutely adored it...

"Okay Gundham, what should we do today?" He asked

"... I will say... Perhaps go to the park, here I'll let you down..." He said, lowering Kazuichi.

"... Gundham... I feel like they'll stare..."

"... Kazuichi" Tanaka said, gripping softly onto Kazuichis wrists, "If they judge you, I will fight them with every last fiber of my being!" He said with a soft smile, pulling Souda in a hug, kissing his neck.

"...your-... Your right..." He said with a small smile.

"... Your right..." He hugged Tanaka back and rested his head in the others shoulder, "... I love you..."

"I love you too"

Souda jumped up and leaned close to the wall, "where's my stick?"

"Oh, it right here" The taller male handed the other the walking stick.

-at the park-

Gundham was walking behind Kazuichi, taking the Devas out for a walk.

"Kazuichi, slow down" He said, gripping onto Soudas shoulder.

"Huh? What?" The pinkett asked, turning around.

"You could have tripped over rthis pathetic tiny piece of cement!" Tanaka growled, looking down at the floor.

"Tiny pieces of cement... Oh! Rocks?" He asked.

"Yes, that!" Tanaka smiled, wrapping one arm around his boyfriends waist, "I will walk next to you so I can keep an eye on you"

"That sounds scary" Kazuichi laughed, "but I know your just doing that because you don't want me to get hurt"

Gundham kissed the pinketts head and layed his head on the other.

"... Gundham?" He asked.

"Yes, it's me"

"Oh... Okay!" He smiled.


The entire walk was silence, the cool wind hitting their skin, it was calming...

-back home-

"That was fun!" Kazuichi giggled, putting his stick next to the bed, "good night GunGun!" He smiled.

"... Covered or Uncovered?" Tanaka asked.



The breeder nodded his head and tucked his boyfriend in and climbed in bed with him, wrapping his arms around him and resting his head on Kazuichis pillow.

"Heh..." Souda wrapped his legs around his boyfriends and tucked his head in Gundhams chest.


"... Good night my dear"

-On friday-

Gundham woke up and rushed to the hospital

"I must hurry before he wakes up..." He whispered to himself.

Once he finally arrived at the hospital, he had to wait for an hour for what he wanted..

When he went back home, Kazuichi was still in bed, sleeping.


"That's good.."

Things you earned 

□ hamster leash

□ Small pieces of cement (rocks)

Blinded By Love (SouDam)Where stories live. Discover now