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Gundham woke up and rushed to the hospital

"I must hurry before he wakes up..." He whispered to himself.

Once he finally arrived at the hospital, he had to wait for an hour for what he wanted..

When he went back home, Kazuichi was still in bed, sleeping.


"That's good.."

The breeder went back in bed and started to huddle closer to Kazuichi.

"Kazuichi, I promise you, you will have a fantastic birthday..." He whispered, hugging Kazuichi.

"Hmm?" Kazuichi yawned,

"K-Kazuichi! Your up?!" Tanaka screeched.

"Mhm... I just woke up like a few second ago..." He chuckled softly.

"Where were you? I heard the door close so..."

"... I was... Somewhere..." He mumured.

"I'm sad... " Souda sighed, "why? Why are you sad? Do you want me to try and comfort you-"

"I'm forgetting how you look like... I miss you already, I want to look at you, I want to hold you, a-and...I don't think your comfortable with dating someone like me..."

"... Kazuichi... Why would I not be comfortable with you? I absolutely adore you, you cannot say such foolish things like that, because I love you, how many times do I have to reassure you that your handsome and very precious to me..." He sighed, hugging his boyfriend.

"... I don't know.. I-I just think your getting annoyed by taking care of me..."

Tanaka hugged his boyfriend tighter and kissed his cheek, "don't think things so negative, it pains me to hear such awful stuff..."

Kazuichi felt tears his his cheek...

Why was Gundham so hurt by that...?


"Gundham...why are you crying? Aren't I supposed to be the one crying at a time like this?" He whispered, "also... Can you give me a hint on what your going to get me for my birthday...?"

"..." Tanaka chuckled softly, "you'll see"

"... Okay" He frowned.

"I'm excited though" He giggled.

"I am too... I really am..."

Gundham got off the bed and gently lifted Kazuichi up, putting him on the love seat that was next to the bed..

"I will fix the bed while you change yourself" He chuckle.

"Change myself? Why? I can-"

"You've been in that jumpsuit for two days, without cleanising yourself as well." He sighed, "perhaps do you need assistance while your taking a bath and changing clothes?"

"... N-No! That-"

"It's fine, we are dating after all, correct?"

"... Yeah b-But..."

"It's fine if your not comfortable with that idea, It was just a few suggestions"

"... No... I want to shower together..." Souda smiled.

"Mhm" Tanaka softly gripped onto his boyfriends wrists and brought him to the restroom, "shall I turn the water on to hot or cold?" He asked.

"... Warm..."

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