Chapter 19

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Stormhawk pushed his way into camp at the head of the group. He waved his tail for Darkpaw and Crimsonclaw to follow him across the clearing toward Adderstar's den.

Darkpaw's paws tingled. He had always wanted to go in that den, even as a kit.

Stormhawk padded down the small slope next to the Meeting Rock into the burrow below.

"Adderstar, we have news to report on the rogue problem." Stormhawk announced as Crimsonclaw and Darkpaw came up on his right side.

The long-haired red tom nodded his head for them to report. 

"Darkpaw and I were searching around for them. They didn't even try to disguise their scent on our territory at all! Then all of a sudden the rogues were attacking us. They had us surrounded and then Stormhawk's patrol came up behind us and helped us fight them off." Crimsonclaw explained, taking a step forward.

"Why were they on our territory in the first place? Did they say?" Adderstar asked.

Crimsonclaw shook his head. "No they didn't. They're just out for revenge for what we did to Scarfur."

Adderstar nodded along as he took in all the information.

"You two can go and eat, there's a gathering tonight at Four Birches so if your chosen to go you'll want to get something to eat before we go." Stormhawk said a sharp edge to his meow. He laid his tail over Darkpaw's shoulders, and Darkpaw raised an eyebrow and leaned away. What was going on? Why did Stormhawk want them to leave in such a hurry that he had to guide them out? They weren't blind bats! Stormhawk pressed against Crimsonclaw's side, leading the two of them up toward the camp above. 

Stormhawk lead them over to the Prey Pile and turned around and padded back to Adderstar's den.

Darkpaw's eyes followed Stormhawk. He glanced back at Crimsonclaw, who was picking out a piece of prey for himself. Curiosity bubbled inside of him, he glanced once more at Crimsonclaw and padded quietly after Stormhawk. 

Darkpaw dropped to his belly and slithered up to the entrance of the den.

"The rogue leader wanted to kill Darkpaw! They were after him, Adderstar!" Stormhawk's voice flowed from inside. Darkpaw crawled further in, his belly fur gathering dust.

"I understand what you're saying, Stormhawk." Adderstar said, calmly.

"Think about who Darkpaw's father was. Who his mother is." Stormhawk whispered. "He could turn out just like them. Do you want a second Scarfur?" He growled, taking a couple steps closer to Adderstar. 

Darkpaw stiffened, anger flowing through his veins.

"No cat wants that but I can assure you that he won't. He's not a bad cat, StarClan would've warned us already if he was." Adderstar replied.

"Don't play dumb, Adderstar! I've seen the way Swanfeather looks at that apprentice these days! StarClan told her something didn't they? Didn't they!" Stormhawk growled, his eyes blazing.

Adderstar's calm expression faltered for a blink but he quickly regained his calm look. "That doesn't concern you, Stormhawk." 

Stormhawk let out a huff of annoyance and sat down. "I've seen the way he fights. He has his father's evilness in him. He's willing to kill. Look what happened to Scarfur."

"He can resist it, Stormhawk." Adderstar assured his deputy.

Darkpaw's breath was turning to gasps. Swanfeather was something about me...

"What if he doesn't! What then!" Stormhawk hissed, unsheathing his claws.

"Drop it, Stormhawk!" Adderstar growled, the fur on the back of his neck now beginning to bristle.

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