My breath stuck to my throat.

One central mirror filled the back wall of the dressing area.

A girl in uniform stood beside a curvy figure cloaked in a tight, nude-colored dress.

Small flowers embroidered the luxe material. The crossed laces hugging the dress to her like a second skin filled my mind with images of ripping the elegant garment off the said figure.

My gaze trailed down from the back of her honey-blonde head to her mouthwateringly round ass.

Leah turned to say something to the attendant when her eyes flashed up to mine. Her dark orbs widened.

"James?" she squeaked.

I blinked, trying to absorb the ethereal vision standing before me.

Thoughts couldn't formulate in my mind. Words failed to dew on my tongue.

I was shell-shocked. Spellbound. Mesmerized.

Her dark eyes glowed off the dress, her complexion gleaming with a film of perspiration.

She was beautiful. The most beautiful sight I'd ever held.

Her brows drew together as she walked over to me. She touched my arm gently.

"James," she spoke softly, "are you okay?"

"You—" I tried to clear my throat but the thickness in it wouldn't go away. "Leah, baby . . ."

Her lips parted, those gorgeous, soulful eyes dilating.

"You look like a goddamn angel," I breathed.

My fingers brushed the loose hair from her face, tucking it behind her ears.

She smiled bashfully. "I told you not to come in, mister."

"Thank fuck I never listen."

Chuckling, she rolled her eyes. "So you like the dress then?" she said.

Leaning into the crutches with my armpits, I reached my hands forward as far as they'd go and held her cinched waist.

"You're going to give me a fucking heart attack," I told her. "It's the only option."

"I will take that as my answer." She beamed and turned back to the saleswoman. "I think this is the one. We'll take it."

"Perfect!" the attendant said.

As they started back toward the changing room, the girl nudged Leah. Her whisper was louder than she probably realized.

"He looks like the one too!" she said. "You did good, girl!"

Leah glanced back at me, her lips quirked in a smile. I smirked.

After she changed into her regular clothes, we went to the register and argued over who was paying for the dress. It cost an entire month of pay for her as my assistant. There was no way in hell I planned to let her pay for it.

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