We would have to keep her indoors most of the time, due to the rate she grows at, but we'll manage. Well, more like I'll manage since Damon won't be much of a help.

When we got home, I placed her on the coach.

I drove away to the mall and returned in a couple of hours with things for Makayla and her new room.

I walked into the living room.

"Damon please don't hurt her." I pleaded.

"I won't shes little. Besides her family was bad enough to her already. I could consider this my good deed of the decade." Damon stated. He had a drink in his hand and I eyed it.

"I won't encourage her to underage drink either saint stefan!" He said with his common eye roll, that I have grown so use to in the past hundred years. I relaxed and watched Makayla as her eyes fluttered open.

She stood up in one swift motion ready to run. She was too little to attack.

"Hey. It's me Stefan remember?" I watched her as she entered thinking mode. She was so tired I doubt she remembered.

"Oh yeah! I rewember." She said, a small smile tugging at her lips. Damon and I chuckled. She looked confused.

"It's remember, not rewember." I said. Even Damon smiled at that one. She was probably tired. When she showed us her memories, we also realized how independant, smart and civilized she really is.

"Oh." she said. Then she was thinking. I thought she must be hungry and not know how to ask.

"Hungry?" I asked. She simply nodded and I took her to the kitchen.

"What do you eat?" I asked her. I know I can't cook that well but hopefully she won't notice. Who am I kidding she will notice.

"I can survive on human food for about a month but it makes me weak. I need to drink blood every so often. Once or twice a week is good enough." she said.

"Hmm. Truth is I can't cook." I said.

"Its okay I don't really need human food anyways." She said. She was so sweet. How could her parents have left her.

"Hi." She said, as she saw Damon at the bar.

"Hey kiddo." Damon said ruffling her hair. Damon told me he was only going to be a friend to her not a brother. Which was good enough, for Damon at least.


It had been three weeks since I had brought Kayla home. I was sitting in the living room when I heard a loud scream come from Kayla's room. When I got there Damon was already standing at the door way eyeing her suspiciously. Kayla screamed again except this time she woke up.

I turned on the lights and went over to her.

"Their coming." she whispered.

"Their gonna kill me." She said.

She was physically only about seven years old. She told me before that shes afraid her family are going to come for her and kill her, I told her I wouldn't allow that to happen.

I hugged Makayla tight.

"Shhhh. It's going to be okay. I will protect you." Damon stood at the door still dumbfounded. He then came over and comforted Makayla too. I had left after Kayla had fallen asleep in Damon's arms.

Her family will have to pay death for what they did to her. Her father and the werewolf kid will suffer the most. I may spare the Rosalie girl.

Damon pov

I watched her slowly pass out in my arms. The little four year old that had ran into us in the woods was practically family. Yet I refused to call her family. Why? Even I don't know.

I lay beside her watching her sleep. I peered into her mind. What exactly does a seven year old dream about?

'She danced around in the meadows as Rosalie was still hunting. "Come here princess." She said to the four years old looking Makayla. Makayla smiled and danced into Rosalie's arms. "Mom." She said.'

Wait her mom was the brunette not the blonde. The blonde was the aunt.

'Rosalie smiled back. Then her dream changed. It was in a home. Everyone was playing with Kayla's sister. Then there was screaming. The dream blurred into everyone screaming at Makayla and Rosalie fighting to get to Makayla as she ran away. She was running then bumped into us. We were far from Jersey when we met her.

She was scared. Then she felt loved once she was in Stefan's arms.'

I got up quietly to talk to stefan. "Your still up Stefan?" I asked. He looked up from his book and said, "what do you want Damon?"

"I was looking into Kayla's dream, and she called that blonde Rosalie her mom." I said.

"Well Damon did you ever think, that she never felt loved by her own mother? That girl was the only one to take care of her." Stefan said and then I understood. Only if I had someone, to take me in when my father didn't even consider me a son... I was more of a burden.

"Damon, like we planned, we are still splitting up in four months, and I'm taking Kayla with me." Stefan said.

"In four months, Kayla will be fully grown, and we'll let her decide for herself. If she doesn't turn out like you, I would actually enjoy her company." I told Stefan, adding in the insult which he learnt to ignore long ago.

"And if she wishes to go alone?" Stefan asked.

"Then we let her."


Authors Note:

Hey comment if you have any suggestions or if you like the chapter.




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