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Something wasn't right. You'd spent all morning cleaning yours and Vic's apartment, just like you did every morning, but when you enter the lounge your gut feeling that something wasn't right came true as you saw Pierce The Veil had started to make themselves at home, and your nice clean lounge wasn't so clean anymore.

You loved the guys, but hated when they came over because they didn't understand that you liked everything being a certain way. Everything had a place, but Mike and Jaime were moving things around to make way for beer and takeaway. You start to scratch your wrist, a nervous habit when something happened you had no control over.

'Hey babe, I hope you don't mind but I invited the guys over.'

Vic comes up behind you from the kitchen and wraps his arms around your waist, kissing the top of your head.

You grunt, 'I need a moment.'

You shrug out of his arms and head back towards the bedroom, shutting the door after you. This room was clean, but it could do with another tidy up.


'What's wrong with y/n?' Mike asks, taking a swig of beer.

I scratch my head, 'I don't know, I'll be right back.'

I walk towards the bedroom and knock quietly before entering. y/n was cleaning the room when she had only done it this morning. When we got together she explained she had OCD and we both did things to accommodate for the other. She tried to relax, and I made sure to tidy up after myself.

'y/n, what's wrong?'

She shrugs her shoulders, 'nothing's wrong Vic, I found some clothes which needed folding.'

I sigh, 'You folded them this morning y/n. What's really wrong? I've never seen your OCD this bad.'

She slumps on the end of the bed and I join her, opening my arms which she falls into and rests her head against my chest, 'I love the guys but they make a mess, I don't mind them making a mess somewhere else but not in our home. I like things to be clean, and I can't control it while they're here because they always mock me.'

The guys never really did come over all at once, and since I thought y/n's OCD was under control I invited them all over. But now I felt bad because y/n was upset and scared to leave the bedroom because the guys joked and used her to clean up after them. It's why she stopped coming on tour with us.

I hug her, 'I'm sorry y/n, I should have asked.'

'No, I want you to have them over, I just don't like being out of control.'

She sits up and I stroke her cheek, she was wonderful and cared about everyone, but sometimes she needed someone to take care of her, 'I promise to make them use coasters and if they make any mess I will force them to clean it up. How does that sound?'

She giggles, 'I've witnessed your mama scare you and Mike into washing the dishes, so I'm pretty sure there's some of her Mexican wrath inside you Vic.'

y/n was right about mama Fuentes. I could easily whip my brother, Jaime and Tony into shape if they made a mess. y/n leans forwards and captures my lips, before pulling back wearing a smirk.

'I find it kind of hot when you're mad,' she whispers.

I clear my throat, 'I might just make them spill something.'

y/n rolls her eyes and kisses me again. I kiss her back, having missed kissing her for the last two months while we were on tour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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