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As soon as you got the message off Mike about Danielle breaking Vic's heart, you booked the first flight out to San Diego from London. You were born and raised in San Diego and grew up with the Fuentes brothers, but moved to London for university and ended setting up a successful photography business.

You were never Danielle's biggest fan and vice versa, she was jealous of your close friendship with Vic. Now you had to fix your best friends heart, because according to Mike, Vic was slowly losing it.

Mike meets you at the airport and drives you to Vic's apartment updating you on Vic's depressed state. Mike had faith you could cheer him up before Vic went back to his self-harming ways.

Opening the apartment door with the key Mike gave you, you dump your bags in the hallway and put your 'cheer up Vic' plan into action.


Why did she dump me? I hadn't done anything wrong. Now I couldn't bring myself to leave my apartment and face the real world. Mike, Jaime, and Tony couldn't understand my pain because they were all in happy relationships.

'Oi, shorty get your ass up and out of bed!'

Someone jumps on my bed jolting me upright. Who the hell had gotten into my locked apartment? Switching on the bedside light I'm met by the grinning face of my childhood friend y/n.

'y/n is that you? Or am I dreaming?'

y/n chuckles, 'It's me silly, I flew all the way from London to make you smile again. Now get out of bed you lazy sloth.'

I had a feeling Mike was behind this surprise visit. Sitting up in bed I watch y/n roll off my bed and skip over to my wardrobe before she started to root through my wardrobe without a single care for my privacy. y/n was a ray of sunshine and always hyper, the opposite of how I felt right now.

'Put this on and join me in the kitchen.'

y/n throws something onto the end of my bed before skipping out of my bedroom. I pick up the bear onesie and smile. y/n remembered our old tradition, whenever one of us was upset we'd all dress in onesies and have a fun day.

Scared what y/n was getting up to in my house unsupervised I get up and throw on the onesie. I find my best friend in the kitchen pulling things out of the fridge and cupboards.

'Err y/n what are you doing?'

y/n turns around wearing a fox onesie holding a can of whipped cream smiling ear to ear as if it was obvious what she was doing, 'I'm making pancakes Vic. Pancakes are good in any situation, now get over here and help me.'

I did something I hadn't done since the breakup, I found myself smiling at y/n's antics. I should probably help her before she burns down my kitchen.

'At least let me do the cooking y/n, I quite like my kitchen not burned down.'

~3 Hours Later~

y/n and I ate more pancakes than what was considered healthy for normal people while lounging in front of the TV watching cartoons like the good old days. With y/n here I wasn't thinking of Danielle, instead, I was thinking about myself, the band and the fans I let down by cancelling the start of our tour.

'I think I'm ready to go back on tour y/n, no more disappointing fans because of a stupid girl. Will you come with us? I know Mikey would like that, as would I.'

y/n turns the volume down before facing me, 'you're my partner in crime Vic, of course, I'm coming. Besides Mike already invited me and I took a couple of months off work.'

'You knew I was going to ask as well didn't you y/n?'

y/n laughs, 'I need a vacation with my best friends.'

I smile and open my arms, and y/n crawls into them. She turns the volume back up and we go back to watching silly cartoons while I hold her in my arms in a friendly way of course. Because girls have cooties and y/n told me that herself years ago when we were kids.

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