Vic (Requested)

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'We're home little one. This is where we're going to make so many memories, and some of those memories we'll use to embarrass you when you're older.'

Vic chuckles under his breath next to you as you hold the baby carrier holding your newly born daughter. You'd been in the hospital for two weeks after her birth for some health problems which were fixed quickly, and now you were more than happy to be back home.

'Vic, are you going to open the door?'

You watch Vic snap out of his own thoughts. Something had been bothering Vic ever since you left the hospital and you wanted to know what was wrong with your husband.

'Sorry. Here we go, home sweet home.'

Vic opens the front door and you walk inside carrying your daughter. You and Vic had bought the house two months into your pregnancy because you wanted to raise a family in a house rather than a cramped apartment; this house had a garden and a swimming pool which was a bonus.

You put the baby carrier down on the coffee table and sit down next to Vic on the sofa who was messing with his hands while staring at his feet like they were the most interesting things around. You put a hand on his shoulder making him look up at you with reluctance written across his face.

'Vic, tell me what's bothering you.'

Vic shakes his stubborn head so you start to rub circles on his back knowing this relaxed him when he was tense.

'You can tell me anything, we don't keep secrets from each other.'

'I'm nervous y/n.'

You tilt your head to the side, 'nervous about what Vic?'

Vic sighs, 'I'm nervous I'm going to mess up being a dad. In the hospital, nurses helped us, but now I have to deal with being a dad without any extra help.'

You chuckle, 'Vic, every parent gets nervous it's normal. But remember you're not alone, you have me and we'll mess up together. But it will make us better parents along the way.'

'But what if I'm not ready y/n?'

You quirk an eyebrow sighing, 'You've been to all the classes Vic and aced them. You just need some real-world practice and I'll be by your side all the way. You're ready to be a dad Vic.'

Vic smiles weakly and you know you've gotten through to him. Just then your daughter starts to cry in the carrier and Vic freezes again. You unclip your daughter before handing her carefully to Vic, who falls naturally into parent mode remembering what all the classes and books had taught him. Your daughter giggles as Vic makes baby noises at her, this was a picture-perfect opportunity. Taking your phone out you snap a picture, label it 'Precious daddy and daughter moment' before uploading it to social media.

'I don't know how you put up with me sometimes y/n. But I love you, you're my rock.'

You can't help but smile. You were just happy Vic had gotten over his first parent nerves, now the three of you could start making memories.

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