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After a stressful day at work, you liked nothing more than to grab your skateboard and skate through the streets of San Diego. It was the one time of the day when you didn't have to think of any responsibilities in your life, such as paying the bills and rent on time. It was a time when you could zone out the world around you, up until now it had worked out just fine for you. That was until you saw another figure in your line of sight skateboarding down the same path towards you.

You both saw each other at the last minute and both swore as you tried to swerve out of the others way. This failed and the two of you collided pretty hard sending you both flying towards the grass near you. However, before you could feel the full impact the person who you'd hit decided to take the main impact leaving you lying on top of them.

'Ah, shit are you okay? I should have been looking where I was going.'

You jump off the person and offer them a hand up flinching when you see the scratches and blood on both your hands and knees where your trousers scraped the concrete.

'I should have been looking where I was going. You're bleeding. Would you like to come to mine and I can clean you up? I live around the corner.'

The guy had a very familiar voice as he pulled himself off the ground; it was only when he took his hands in yours and examined your cuts that you got a good look at his face and nearly fainted. In front of you was the one and only Tony Perry, you were obsessed with Pierce The Veil and said Tony was the best member to all your friends who said either Mike, Vic or Jaime were better looking. He was offering to take you back to his to clean you up, you'd be an idiot to refuse.

'That would be great err...'

'Tony, call me Tony though all my friends call me turtle because I really like turtles.'

He was even cuter in person and got all flustered when talking to you.

'Well turtle I'm y/n, just y/n and I don't have a nickname.'

He gasps and throws an arm around your shoulder as you pick up your discarded skateboard, 'I'll have to come up with one for you y/n. Now let's get those scratches cleaned up.'

This was a surreal moment for you. In your head, you pictured yourself going all crazy fangirl on him when you first met him, but in actual reality, he was just a person like you and deserved to be treated normally. 

You laugh and shake your head, 'I've got to say Tony this isn't how I normally meet guys.'

He mirrors your laughter as the two of you walk down the street, well you more limping from the stinging sensation in your knees.

'Same y/n, that's not how I usually make girls fall for me. Though it was pretty effective because I met you.'

You feel yourself blush, not really use to compliments from anyone let alone cute band members you had a crush on.

'Ah, Tony look at you Mr smooth talker.'

He blushes and shakes his head, 'Not normally y/n but there's something different about you. I can actually talk to you without getting nervous.'

Next thing you know he stops walking and scoops you up in his arms causing you to squeal and flail around a little.

'Tony put me down.'

'I wouldn't be a gentleman if I let you walk when your knees are in pain. Plus I like carrying you y/n.'

You roll your eyes and bury your head into his chest feeling his chest vibrate from his laughing, what if you were going to be carried by your crush then you were going to milk the moment while it lasted. 

Pierce The Veil ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя