September 5

20 2 5

Dear Mr. Styles,

Have you ever thought about what happens when we die? So many people are caught up in what happens after we die, but everyone seems to ignore the time before we were born. We've all been in the "before", which I assume is similar to the after. Why not pay more attention to that? It's the same amount of mystery.
The media is filled with stories about people meeting God, Jesus, or walking toward some bright, ominous light, but nobody shares any accounts of the "before." That's what I'm interested in.
My therapist says I'm a deep thinker, but I think that everyone should consider these things. She suggested that I begin to keep a diary to keep myself grounded. I tried, but it felt silly to write to nobody. It made me feel even more alone in this universe.
So, Mr. Styles, that is why I'm writing to you. You don't know me, and I don't really know much about you, except that my older sister is obsessed with your music. I don't expect a reply to my letters, I just want to know that I'm writing to a person.
My letters probably won't make much sense because when I speak, a lot of people don't seem to understand me. It's like I'm speaking another language. So, maybe you will, maybe you won't. But maybe I'll feel a little less alone.

Yours truly,

Dear Mr. StylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang