"What about you?" Harry asked him as (Y/N) walk towards the door.

"I'm going down to the common room. I wanna relax for a while before going to bed." (Y/N) reasoned to him.

"Okay then. Just sleep after you've relaxed enough," said Harry as (Y/N) opened the door and stepped outside.

(Y/N) hummed in response as he closes the door. He then descended down the stairs and sat on a couch.

'I wonder how the Gryffindors are going to react to this? I bet Percy'll be shocked. But this is record-breaking. Even Fred and George couldn't react to that amount of points they've lost a da-'


(Y/N) turned around to see Hermione standing on the stairs to the girl's dormitories.

"Oh hey 'Mione. Can't sleep either?" (Y/N) asked as Hermione makes her way towards the couch.

"Mhm. What are you doing here anyway?" She asks as she sat beside (Y/N).

"Nothing. Just thinking about what will happen tomorrow." He replied.

"Don't even remind me of that," said Hermione as he chuckles.

"But you'll eventually be reminded of this tomorrow. There's no escaping it." said (Y/N) nonchalantly.

"I guess your right..." Hermione replied.

Comfortable silence enveloped the both of them as they just stared at the fire crackling in front of them. (Y/N) still thinks of what would happen tomorrow. But Hermione was thinking of something else.

"Hey (Y/N)."


"Have you ever wondered why You-Know-Who and other people are doing all of these?"

"What do you mean 'doing all these'?"

"You know, killing people and making others lives terrible." Said Hermione.

"Yeah... I've thought those before. Why do you ask?" (Y/N) asks.

"It's just that... they can't be doing all of these without a reason, right?" said Hermione.

"Well... I don't really know what's going on in their minds. Sometimes, people do these things to get revenge. Some do these to get pleased with their desires. Some kill because they were ordered to. And some... enjoys doing these things." (Y/N) replied, still staring at the fire.

Hermione gasped.

" 'Mione, not everyone are bad. I know there's still kindness in their hearts. They just let their desire to kill someone they really hate get in their way or they're threatened to do it. But..."

"But what?" Hermione asks.

"... I can't really say the same for Vo- I mean You-Know-Who. I always see from old news from the Daily Prophet that he kills muggles..."

Hermione whimpered at hearing this.

"He kills them because he.... hates muggles. I don't know why he hates them. The news reported that the muggle police couldn't find any trace on who did those. But the Ministry of Magic knows who's behind all of these. But they never took action. The Ministry did once suggested forming a team consisting of powerful Aurors to hunt down You-Know-Who but everyone declined. They couldn't handle facing him."

He looked over to Hermione to see the fear in her eyes. (Y/N) sighs as he moves closer to Hermione and held both of her hands.

"Look, if ever he comes back, I'll be there for you. He wouldn't touch you or anybody here. Heck, I won't even let him go near you." He said in a gentle tone.

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