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I will be replacing Alicia Spinnet in this story!


As November arrived, the weather turned cold. The mountains around the school became icy grey and the lake like chilled steel. November means Quidditch season has begun. On Saturday, me and Harry will be playing our very first match after weeks of training, Gryffindor vs Slytherin.
If we win, we will move up to the second place in the h
House Championship.

Wood decided that me and Harry should be kept a secret. But the news leaked out somehow and Harry doesn't know which was worse: people telling him he'd be brilliant or people telling him they'd be running around underneath him, holding a mattress. Man, I feel sorry for him.

Harry was very lucky that he has Hermione as a friend now. (They really are so they should be thankful to her. Hmph!) He couldn't have gone through all his homework without her. As for me, I have already done my homeworks so I also helped Harry with his. Hermione also let him borrow a book called Quidditch through the Ages, in which I have my own.

And also, Hermione became more relaxed about breaking rules. Who would've thought The Hermione Granger would be breaking rules? Me and Hermione became closer too as time passes by. And I love it.

Anyways, the day before our first Quidditch match, all four of us went out to the freezing courtyard. Hermione had conjured up a bright blue fire which could be carried around with a jam jar. We were standing with our backs on it while my arm is draped around Hermione for her not to catch a cold when we saw Snape crossed the yard. We moved closer so it would block the fire from the view because, certainly, it wouldn't be allowed. But I guess Snape saw our guilty faces because he went over us. But he was..... limping? That's suspicious.

"What's that you've got there Potter?" Snape asked Harry.

Harry pulled out a book what seemed to be Quidditch Through the Ages.

"Library books are not to be taken outside the school. Give it to me. Five points from Gryffindor." said Snape firmly while Harry gave Snape the book. After Snape have recieved the book, he limped away.

"There is no such thing as that rule." I said.

"He just made up that rule." Ron said as he rubs his hands.

"Wonder what's wrong with his leg?" Harry asked.

"Dunno, but I hope it's hurting him so bad." said (Y/N) before Hermione smacked the back of his head. "Ow."

Later in the evening, me, Hermione, Harry and Ron are sitting in the common room. Me and Hermione are checking Harry and Ron's homework. Well, were not exactly giving out the answers because we wouldn't let them copy but they get the correct answers anyways. Harry got up from his chair and said that he would try to convince Snape to give the book back to him. He said that he wanted to take his mind off from the Quidditch match tomorrow.

"Better you than me." We all said in synch. Then he left.

(3rd POV)

After a few minutes, Ron says to them that he will go to Fred and George for a while. So it's just (Y/N) and Hermione. They were done with checking Harry and Ron's homework they were just relaxing. Well, (Y/N) and Hermione are reading a book together. Hermione is sitting on the couch while (Y/N) is laying down with his head on Hermione's lap. The common room was still loud and in chaos but they continued to read.

"Hey 'Mione." called out (Y/N) without looking up from the book.

"Yeah?" Hermione asked.

"What would you do to someone who is nervous as fu-?" (Y/N) was cutted off by Hermione smacking his head.

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