Mirror of Erised

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(3rd POV)
A shout was heard across the dormitory.

"Ron, (Y/N)! You've really got to see this!" Harry shouted causing Ron and (Y/N) to wake up.

"Why are you waking us up in the middle of the night?" (Y/N) asked, annoyed.

Harry took off the blankets off Ron and (Y/N) to wake them up fully.

"Come on guys! Get out of bed!" Harry said frantically. "There's something you two have to see now come on!" He added, making (Y/N) interested.

"Something to see? Then I'm up!" (Y/N) said as he jumped out of bed and took his jacket.

They went to the corridor where Harry found the door leading to God knows where with the invisibility cloak on. When they got there, they quickly took off the cloak then rushed towards the direction Harry is running to. They stopped when they saw a... mirror?

"What is a big ol' mirror doing here?" (Y/N) said as he started examining the mirror.

"I only see us." Ron said to Harry.

"Look at it properly. Go on, stand there." Harry pointed at the spot where he stood before as (Y/N) started watching the two.

"You see them now?" Harry asked.

"That's me!" Ron suddenly exclaimed. "Only I'm... Head Boy... and I'm holding the Quidditch Cup!" He added as (Y/N) got curious since Harry said that they would see Harry's parents on the mirror.

"And bloody hell! I'm Quidditch Captain too!" Ron said excitedly. "And I look good."

"Harry, you think this shows the future?" Ron suddenly asked.

"It can't be." (Y/N) spoke up. "Harry said he saw his parents in the mirror so it can't be possible that they will be resurrected from the dead."

"Let me try." (Y/N) added as he walks up to the mirror.

( Y/N POV)
I walk up to the mirror and looked at my reflection. Nothing happened at first. Then suddenly, I saw a figure walking up to me. The figure got closer and it looked like a woman. Once it got beside me, I immediately recognized the face.

"Mum...." I whispered softly as mum smiled at me warmly.

Mum has brown hair like Sarah's and has (E/C) eyes like mine. My eyes started swelling up tears when suddenly, two figures appeared in front of me.

I looked at the mirror it closely. I realized that my reflection isn't mine. In front of me is a man that looks like an older version of me. The man has (H/C) and (E/C) eyes like mine.

Standing beside him is a beautiful woman. I looked at the woman closely. My heart suddenly stopped. The woman looks just like Hermione or maybe that's even Hermione! If Hermione looks cute now, she looks beautiful when older.

She kissed my reflection while I blushed madly. Harry must've saw my face because he asked me suddenly.

"Hey (Y/N), you alright? Your face is red."

"W-wha? Y-yeah I'm alright..." I replied.

"Wait, what's that up there?" Ron asked as me and Harry looked up to see a writing.

(Harry POV)

" 'Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.' I phrased.

"That writing..... wait give me a second" (Y/N) suddenly started muttering under his breath then startled us with a "Aha!"

"It's written backwards." (Y/N) took out a notebook from his jacket's pocket then starts writing something. He then shows it to us. It says 'I show not your face but your hearts desire'

"So that's explains it. Harry's desire is to see his parents again. As for Ron, his desire is to be above his brothers for once since he's always looked down, no offence Ron." (Y/N) said as Ron just nodded.

"And for me, my desire is to see my mother..." (Y/N) said the last part rather quietly but still loud enough for me and Ron to hear him.

"Anyways, let's go back to the dorm. I'm sleepy now." (Y/N) added, picking up the invisibility cloak.

(3rd POV)
The next day, they all went to breakfast, feeling good. Well, except for one. Harry has been bothered by the image of his parents ever since last night. They all sat down while Harry goes to an another table, sitting in front of a fireplace.

(Y/N) and Ron have been worried since he haven't talked all morning. They decided to go to him. (Y/N) sat down beside Harry as Ron stands behind him.

"Want to play chess?" Ron asked.

"No" Harry replied.

"We could visit Hagrid." (Y/N) suggested.

"No." Harry declined.

"Harry, I know what your thinking but no. Something's not right about that mirror." Ron said.

Harry nodded then Ron left.

"Ron's right mate." (Y/N) said while staring at the fireplace. "You should stop thinking about it. It only makes you more desperate to see them again."

Harry only nodded as (Y/N) sighed. He then placed his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Listen, if you ever need someone to talk to, where right here, all right?" (Y/N) said.

"Okay.." Harry said as (Y/N) sighed again then went back to his breakfast.

Later that night, Harry sneaked again to the mirror as Ron was sleeping and (Y/N) pretended to be asleep. He waited for Harry to come back in the common room. When Harry arrived, he asked Harry what happened as Harry told him about Dumbledore.

"Sometimes, I swear Dumbledore is like a ghost, appearing out of nowhere." (Y/N) said before going back to bed with Harry.

The Philosopher's Stone (Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora