Through the Trapdoor

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(3rd POV)

Never once in a lifetime did (Y/N) be thankful that exams were here. In these past few days, all four of them are preparing for the exams. They stayed up all night and only slept whenever they can't do it anymore. Then, before they knew it, exams have begun

It was so hot, especially in the large classroom where they did their written exam. They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an Anti-cheating spell.

They have practical exams as well. Professor Flitwick called them one by one into his class to see if they could make a pineapple tap-dance across a desk. Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuffbox. Points were given for how pretty the snuffbox was but taken away if it had whiskers. Snape observed them all while trying to remember how to brew the Forgetfulness potion.

Their very last exam was History of Magic. One hour of answering questions about old wizards who'd invented self-stirring cauldrons then they'd be free, free for one whole wonderful week until their exam results came out.

When Professor Binns told them to put down their quills and roll up their parchment. They all cheered at this and quickly went out of the classroom.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," said Hermione as they joined the crowds going out to the sunny grounds. "I didn't have to learn about the 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct or the uprising of Elfric the Eager."

"Yeah, and also the 657 Law of the Union Council. My head almost exploded when I was trying to memorize and understand it." (Y/N) said to Hermione while stretching.

Hermione always liked to go through their exam papers, but Ron said it makes him sick, so they wandered down the lake and sat down under a tree. They saw the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were tickling the tentacles of a giant squid.

"No more studying," Ron sighed happily. "You could look more cheerful Harry. We've got a week before we find out how badly we've done, there's no need to worry yet."

"I think that's not the case Ron." said (Y/N). "Harry, are you alright? You've been holding your head ever since detention."

Harry was rubbing his forehead.

"I wish I know what this means!" He burst out angrily. "My scar keeps hurting. It's happened before, but never as often like this."

"Go to Madam Promfey," suggested Hermione.

"I'm not ill, I think it's a warning... it means danger's coming..." said Harry.

"Harry, relax. Hermione's right. The Stone is safe as long as Dumbledore's here." Ron assured Harry.

(Harry's POV)

"Anyway, we never have any proof that Snape found out how to get past Fluffy. He nearly lost his leg, so isn't going to try it again sooner."

I nodded at this but couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something he had forgotten to do. When I tried to explain this, Hermione only said that it happened to her too when she woke up last night and was halfway through her Transfiguration notes when (Y/N) reminded her that they've already done that.

(Y/N) said to me that maybe I'll remember it once a keyword or something popped into my head.

I stared at an owl fly towards the school across the bright blue sky with a note on its beak. Hagrid was the only one who ever sends me letters. Hagrid would never betray Dumbledore. He even speaks highly of him. Hagrid would never tell anyone how to get past Fluffy... never... but...

I suddenly jumped on my feet as the others noticed this.

"Where are you going?" Said Ron.

"I've just thought of something. We have to see Hagrid." I said to them as they stand up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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