Chapter 15

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Christmas was in three days. Too soon. Especially since HIkaru and most of the other hosts were still angry with me. I get that I lied but why hadn't they forgiven me. I roll over and stare at my poster covered walls. There's a knock on the door. "Come in."

It's Kaoru, "You can't attend our Christmas party like that."

I look at my PJ's, "Christmas party?"

He nods, "Tomorrow night. I came here to help you pick something out."

"Who's gonna be there?"

"All the hosts, you, several kids from school, and Akira"

That last one killed it, "I'll pass."

"They're never going to forgive if you keep hiding."

I roll over, "Meh"

He literally drags me out of bed and into the huge closet. "You need something that will make Hikaru fall head over heels for you..."

"Ok A. HIkaru doesn't like me and B. I don't own any dresses."

"I've selected a few dresses I think you'll like"

I look up at him, "How do you know so much about fashion?"

"Mom's a fashion designer."

"Oh..." So that's why his mom is always away.

He grins and pulls out the first dress, "We have a lot of dresses to go through. Chop chop."


Dinner was awkward. Hikaru still wasn't talking to me. Kaoru was the first to speak, "Hikaru, you're being ridiculous."

"How so?"

I look at him, "Hikaru, I know I lied, but I'm seriously sorry. If my aunt found out where I was..."

"Exactly" he spits out, "You could have told us we wouldn't have been mad. We would've protected you. We wouldn't have ratted you out. Why didn't you trust us..?"

I had to have been the biggest jerk in the world. He left the room. I couldn't help it. I slammed my face in the pasta. Kaoru laughed at me. "He hates me. Like forever."

"That's why all of them are mad. We were all worried about you. You're aunt could've found you and we wouldn't know what had happened."

I look up from my plate. He bursts out laughing. It's not long before I join him. "How do I make up for this?"

"Dance with him tomorrow night. You guys will have to talk."

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