It was 'our' place. It was here that I had gained every one of my favourite memories. So naturally, it was here that I wanted to lose them all also. Symbolic, I guess. I am truly a mastermind. Maybe I should have made a blog, given people some tips- I'm quiet the poet. I went to take another sip of the amber liquid, only to groan in dissapointment, it wall all gone. I chucked it down below me, watching with a shiver as it shattered below.

Because obviously, I wasn't going to jump where the small creek was- that would defeat the purpose. I had slid over to the edge of the bridge, where down below, was nothing but dirt, and rocks and the reason I had come here, which wasn't to fool around.

I was here to die. The thought made me cringe- what an aweful thought, but I was ready for it, and I deserved it. Harry was right about it all- why was I even alive all these years? I felt like my life had ended the day Harry had ran away from me in the park. How melodramatic, but how true. 

beep! beep! beep! Two minutes, better get ready. I slowly got up, leaning on the bridge for support as I wobbled my way up. I nearly tipped over- whoa, close call. It would be awkward to have this all planned and then end up ruining it. Not that I would care one way or another once all this was over, I guess.

I closed my eyes.

"LOUIS GET THE FUCK DOWN!" A voice sounding a lot like Harry's pierced my drunked state. I thought maybe it was my subconscious, trying to stop me? Maybe I had schizophrenia? Hallucination? 

"No." I mumbled back to myself. Damned if I was going to ruin this for me.

"Louis, pleease!" The voice begged, sounding closer. Was the voice that sounded like Harry...crying? I opened my eyes, trying to focus. Oh my God, Harry was here. "How...what doing here? How did you find me?" I slurred out, my focus on my words causing my focus on balancing to slip, nearly making me fall. "LOUIS!" Harry screamed out in between tears.


I was panicking. I was a fucking blubbering mess, bordering on hyperventilating. 

I think I was maybe having a heart attack. My heart was beating incredibly fast, painfully so. I needed him to get down, he was swaying, and every moment he was up there he was closer to slipping off. I felt tears block my view of them and I swiped them away as I carefullly walked closer- I didn't need him jumping because he thought I was going ot pull him away.

"I- I'm here because I need you. I nee-need you alive Louis Tomlinson. A-and I found you because it was obvious where you would be." I answered, sniffling, trying to calm down. Louis scoffed, laughing a bit. Laughing.

"You need me alive for what- so you can hate someone. Harry...can't you see I'm tired of being your punching bag?" He said, looking... exhausted; I could see it, there in his eyes. I felt guilt tear through me again. "I love you, but there is only so much I can take. Whatever I did wrong by you...hate me from the grave."

beep! beep! beep! I looked down at his phone, and so did he. He smiled again, which scared me- there was nothing humorous about this. He tossed his phone and it landed with a thud far below him.

"That's the one minute mark mate. Well...ex mate I guess." He said, shrugging. He looked calm, and it scared me. this scared me so much. This was all my fault. He couldn't die. The exact same thoughts kept whirring around my head, making me insane. I think I was truly going insane. I grabbed at my hair, wishing I could tear myself up for ever having brought him to this level of pain. 

"Louis...please... I need you alive. I need you here. I can't live without you!" I begged. 

"Sure you can, just don't forget what I wrote in the letter- please don't hurt Niall anymore, he deseves happiness....take him in your group, please? Promise me?" He asked, his voice faltering as he looked down below.

Always The Same (Larry fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu