|Chapter 1|

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Ruby POV

All I could see was the red and blue light, whilst I sat on the floor. My view was blurry. He hit me quite hard, not gonna lie.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Miss?", it was a female voice, I guess. Was she speaking with me? I nodded.

"She can hear me. But her breath is heavy. I think she is going to pass out", I heard the same voice speaking again. I don't think she was speaking with me. But either way, I wouldn't be able to answer. I couldn't see anything else but black as my senses gave up on me. The last thing I felt was my head hitting the hard floor, before passing out completely.

I woke up to a loud beeping. It was quite annoying and I didn't know what it could be. Before drifting off to sleep again, I decided to open my eyes. As I opened them the bright sun hit me in the face. I quickly pressed my eyes shut again and opened them after a few seconds, just a bit more carefully then before. It took me a bit to get used to the sun, though I was thankful for the light. This way I could absorb the room that I was in better. Always inspect your surroundings first. Especially if you've been kidnapped. That way you can find spots to hide -if you aren't tied up- or even a breakout spot. It could save your lives.

Back to where I was currently situated. It was very plain and the walls were all in a white colour. I was laying in a bed, closer to the windows. Around me was a monitor. Showing my heart rate and other stuff. Opposite of me was a small TV hanging on the wall. I also noticed that I had a needle in my left arm which was attached to an infusion bag through a tube. I layed back down, knowing full well that I was in the hospital. I only had one question in mind. Where was my sister? Well, basically two, because -obviously- I wanted to know if she was okay. Or if she was hurt. Just kidding, I don't really care.

Ok, I do. I care.

Wasn't there somewhere a button that I could press? I looked to my right side but I couldn't find anything. Left side? There it was. My arm felt heavy and it took me a lot of effort to lift it. But eventually I had the small button in my hand. I quickly pressed it and then let my arm fall back onto the bed, waiting for a nurse to show up. A few long seconds passed until I heard the door to my room open.

"You are awake!", she said excitedly. No shit, Sherlock. I tried to say something, but my throat felt so dry that I couldn't get out any audible words.

"I will get you something to drink, don't worry, darling", she turned around exiting the room. She quickly returned with a cup of water in her hands. I needed some help sitting up, but when I did, I gulped down the water as quickly as I could. Although Nurse Charlotte, that was her name, told me to slow down or else I would choke on it. I didn't. Neither.

Before I attempted to talk, I cleared my throat. "Why am I here? Where is my sister? Is she hurt?" I didn't really care why I was in the hospital, because I knew what happened. All I wanted to know was whether my sister was hurt or not.

"Your sister is alright, no need to worry about her. She packed her and yours stuff and is currently staying at a hotel. I will have a doctor come in later to explain why you are here. But for now, I need you to rest", her voice was soft, almost motherly-like. I liked her, but could I trust her? I asked her if she could inform my sister that I woke up. She agreed, because -apparently- it was better if there was someone here that I knew to comfort me. Has she met my sister?

"I am Dr.Johnson." He was a middle-aged man, probably married with kids. I didn't like him, because he had pity and sympathy in his eyes. I don't need either of those things. I need more meds though -this headache is killing me. And, of course, I need to get out of here before those guys come back and kill me too. Can't leave the bitch suffering all alone on this shitty planet.

"Why am I here?", l asked and looked at him confused. I am a good actor, just like my sister, Valentina. I probably had a concussion; hence the terrible headache.

"Well, you have a pretty bad concussion and two bruised ribs. Although you seem to heal good and fast, we would like to keep you here for a few more days", he said. I rolled my eyes, mentally, but kept my cool on the outside. I simply nodded, to show him that I understood what he was saying. I've had worse injuries and didn't go to the hospital, but he didn't have to know that. It was none of his business.

"A social worker will be coming tomorrow and tell you and your sister, what she will be doing and where you will be staying until we've found your relatives that could potentially take you in. If you don't have any, you will -probably- be put in the foster system." No, we won't be put in foster care. But again, I nodded.

"To find your relatives we will have to take your or your sister's DNA-sampel. We have already talked about this with your sister. She offered to do it, but I'd like you two to talk to the social worker before we do anything. She will explain everything in more detail. Also, the police wants to speak to you and your sister." Then he left. Leaving me alone, with my thoughts and the memories of yesterday night playing in my head, over and over again. One thing I knew for sure, I wouldn't be telling the complete truth to the police officers. And I am quite sure, Val already has a plan to get us out of it. She was the only one that I would trust with my life. Well not completely because she's a bitch, but I trust her.

Ok no, I was kidding again. I trust her with my life.

To be continued...

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