|Chapter 36|

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|Please wake up, Leonardo|

Leonardo POV

I couldn't register what was happening around me. My eyes felt heavy and although I could hear someone telling me to keep my eyes open, I couldn't. My vision was blurred and I was fighting against closing my eyes, but in the end my vision went black as my eyes closed. Where was I anyway? What happened?

I could hear people talking and screaming around, but I didn't know what they were saying. There was this stupid ringing in my ears that just wouldn't stop and then there was this pain in my shoulder. Or was it my chest? The pain was everywhere. Why was I in pain? I wanted these loud noises to stop. I wanted to lift my hands to cover my ears and blend everything out, but I couldn't. Why were my arms so heavy? Was this how babies felt when they couldn't lift their heads on their own because they couldn't control their muscles yet? Did they feel helpless too? I wanted this all to just stop. I wanted to think about something else but this unbearable pain and that stupid ringing, but I couldn't bring my mind to do as I wanted. I wanted to remember what happened. Why all of this was happening to me but I couldn't. Why couldn't I?

And suddenly, the pain got worse. If it felt unbearable before then I didn't know what that word even meant. Because this was a hundred times worse. And then everything stopped. I had lost my vision a long time ago, or so it felt -I didn't really know how much time had gone by since everything went black. The ringing and screaming finally stopped and the pain was just gone. Like I hadn't been just in pain, like everything that I had felt and heard over the passing time was just my imagination; my mind trying to play tricks on me. Was I slowly going insane?

I felt like I was floating, surrounded by darkness. It was so peaceful. I never wanted it to stop.

Antonio POV

It felt like hours had passed since they had taken him into surgery, although it was just a few minutes ago. I felt so numb, when I sat beside him, slowly losing his consciousness. But now, as the time went by and the clock kept ticking, everything came crashing down on me. And I couldn't hold it in anymore. I didn't care that everyone would see me breaking down. I didn't care about anything but Leonardo. I felt someone pull me into their side, stroking my hair back as I cried into their shoulder. I didn't know who it was and right now I didn't care. I hadn't cried in a long time. I didn't cry when my father abused me, I didn't cry when my father was pronounced dead or when I found out that my mother was dead too. But right now, everything that had happened over the past few years came crashing down on me, suffocating me. My twin getting shot must've been the last drop to break the barrel. And I continued to cry, I knew in the same moment that I broke down that I would regret it later, but I couldn't change anything. It was too much for me.

Seeing my brother like this made me want to break down again. But this time I held it in. I didn't want to embarrass myself more than I already did. I could feel Lorenzo's warm hands on my shoulders, massaging them softly. It felt so comforting, I felt the tears prick my eyes. Stop crying you idiot, the voice in my head screamed at me. Right, no crying. Got it. I sniffled quietly, hoping no one heard, but I knew better. I knew that my siblings were worried about me, but I didn't want them to. I wanted them to only worry about Leonardo, he was the one laying in the hospital. He was the one having tubes attached to his body to help him breathing; to keep him alive. He was the one in this stupid coma.

Days went by and nothing changed. I sat here, looking at my twin, going over the doctor's words over and over again. Why didn't he shoot me? Why did he have to do this to me? I felt the sadness slowly fade away and the only thing left was this anger. This uncontrollable anger that made my blood boil. But I pressed the feeling down, letting the sadness back in. Giovanni was getting what he deserved right now. I knew it. I have seen it myself; the way my older cousin and brother had beaten him. They were angry and hurt; controlled by their emotions just like everyone else. I wanted to hurt him too; I wanted it so badly. But I didn't. I held myself back and instead drove here to see Leonardo again.

I heard the door open, but I couldn't bring myself to look up and see who it was. My eyes stayed fixed on my twin. I heard someone sigh and then a chair being pulled towards me and Leonardo -who hadn't woken up yet. Why was it taking him so long to wake up? I felt someone's presence beside me and finally looked up to see Lorenzo.

"I knew I would find you here", he whispered, pulling me to his side, giving me a kiss on my forehead -normally, I would've pushed him away and act disgusted, but not this time, I needed the comfort and soaked it up like a sponge. I sighed, leaning more into him, seeking his comfort and the warmth of his body. He slowly stroked through my hair, like he had done when I had my break down.

Please wake up, Leonardo.

To be continued...

Not gonna lie, I got a little emotionale writing this chapter.

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