|Chapter 14|

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|The plan|

Third person POV

"You took us to an amusement park?!", Valentina squealed before doing a 360 degree spin to observe her surroundings. Francesco chuckled whilst Ruby laid her eyes on the "SHOT'N DROP". Her eyes went wide. It looked so dangerous but tempting at the same time. Cesco and Val followed her gaze and smirked. The three teenagers looked back at each other and nodded. They were definitely going to ride that one. They went to stand in line and waited until it was their turn. The "SHOT'N DROP" was a tower which reached high up in the sky. The teens got in their seats and let the workers buckle them up. As soon as everyone was seated and buckled up, they started moving upwards. Getting nervous, Ruby reached for Vals and Cesco's hands to hold one of each; she was sitting in the middle of them. They stopped moving when they reached the highest point of the tower. For a moment everything went quiet, everyone admired the view they got and only the dumb and fearless ones looked down. The few seconds they waited felt like hours and Ruby started to regret her decision. Her hands got sweaty, her feet dangling in the air, her breath becoming rigged. Her siblings seemed to notice her distress and fear and squeezed her hands tight, letting her know that she wasn't alone and everything was alright. For a moment she relaxed, taking deep breaths in and out. Until the gondola -which were the seats- dropped and with them the people sitting on the seats. Ruby screamed out in surprise and sudden fear. She felt as though she was already on the ground her stomach was still up in the air, where she had just relaxed and enjoyed the view a few seconds ago.

"Never again!", Ruby shouted as soon as they got off the ride. The other two only laughed and shook their heads knowing full well that she would ride it again the next time she got the chance to. Ruby huffed and turned around to look for the next ride. After riding a few more rides the siblings decided to take a break and eat something, seeing that it was already way past their usual lunch time.

"I hope you two are enjoying this?", Francesco asked nervously and afraid that his younger sisters were actually bored out of their mind. He was scared that they would reject him like the twin boys did and ignore him like the two oldest did -or at least overlook him. Not having any friends at all -only the fake ones- and being rejected by his older brothers affected Francesco a lot. He felt left out and most of the time not good enough and like he didn't deserve their attention when he did get any.

"Absolutely!", the twins said at the same time with big smiles on their faces. It made Francesco smile. They liked it!

"I would love to see Ale on one of those rides. I bet it would be hilarious", Val laughed and her siblings joined her. When their food came everyone went silent and started to dig in. The pasta that they were eating wasn't as good as the one that they got at home but it wasn't that bad either.

"How was it back in England?", Francesco asked carefully.

"Oh it was alright, I guess. We went out with our friends a lot; mom didn't really care", Ruby said as she stared into nothing, having flashbacks of them times with her friends; the good kinds of flashbacks. Val nodded, staring at the table also having flashbacks. They usually did something stupid and then had to run from the police when they got caught.

"Really? I don't remember much of her and the others never talk about her", he said, his voice filled with sadness. He really missed her. Sometimes he thought about what his life would be like if she hadn't left with his younger sisters. Would his father have been so aggressive and unloving towards them? And sometimes he wished he wasn't born into the mafia but into a normal family -a bit crazy maybe but normal after all. And loving.

"She used to talk about you guys. She always said how much she loved and missed you. And that she wished to have you with her", Valentina said in hopes to make the youngest of her brothers feel better. She had noticed how Toni and Leo rejected him. They only talked to him to say something mean and hurtful. She also noticed that the two oldest of her brothers always seemed to overlook him, especially now that she and her sister were back. It made her feel bad.

"You know what we should do?", Val said, catching her siblings' attention. "We should form an alliance against the twins and prank them and then get them in trouble", she continued explaining her plan whilst wearing one of her evil smirks on her face. Cesco and Ruby started to smirk evilly too when Val was done explaining. The oldest set of twins were in for a round. A very nasty and vengeful round.

Buckle up, boys.

To be continued...

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I wish you all a nice Eastern


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