•Chapter 3: Tests•of•tests•

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•Your POV•

Dolle Harbor

I start walking off the ship, Dolle Harbor. I remember visiting this place when I was a child..

"Hmm, Thats odd." Leorio was examining the map. Seems we all are heading to the Exam together..

"What is?" I ask

"Well, Uh, according to this notice I received, the exam is supposed to be held somewhere in Zaban City, you see?" Leorio pointed out

"Now, we're here, and that tree is there, which is the opposite direction of Zaban." Leorio said. I look at the map

"Hey, Leorio. Could you lift me up? I cant see the names" I poked him.

(Leorio's like 6'4. I'm making you about 5'6 which is a tiny bit shorter than Kurapika. The reason why you asked Leorio for help is that you are in need of new glasses but don't know it yet)

"Huh. The shorty need some help" He teased

"Oh shush. You're the one who's just too tall" I pushed him. He bent down extending his arm, me sitting on it he lifts me up

"Whoa-" I grab onto his should for support.

"Could you have misheard the Captain?" Kurapika questioned

"I don't think so. He told me I should go towards the cedar tree." Gon pointed at the tree. Man

"I see..."I mutter. So, Could the tree be some kind of shortcut? Or is it the right choice to head to Zabon like Leorio said.

"And this stupid notice isn't any help at all." Leorio whined. He started moving around

"Hey! Hey! Don't forget you have me on your shoulders! Careful" I growl.

"It says the exam's in Zaban City, but it doesn't say where, exactly!"

I grab the paper out of his hand.

"Our task is to find the site using only limited information. This is another test to determine if we're worthy of the Exam."  Kurapika explained. Figured, this is just another test.

"Yeah, I already knew that, smarty pants! So give it a rest!" Leorio said. He started to move around again, making me lose balance

"Yo! Leorio! I said be careful I'm still on your shoulders!" I flicked his ear

"Ow! Okay! I'm sorry" He grumbled

Gon started walking away. "I think I'll check it out for myself, Find out what the captain was talking about."

"Whoa. Whoa. Are you serious? The bus to Zaban is gonna leave any second! We need to be on it when it does." Leorio shouted. "You can put me down now..." I tap his shoulder

He puts me down. "Geez. The kids too trusting for his own good. You can't just trust everyone all the time. Kurapika started walking toward Gon "Kurapika, come back!"

"I'm intrigued by the captain's advice, but even more by Gon's behaviour." Was all he said. "Welp...I guess we're joining them" I smile

Leorio glanced at me "Alright, whatever. See ya! It wasn't long but nice knowing ya." He walked off

"Wait! You're seriously leaving me alone?!" I sigh. I'm not sure who to follow..

"Another follower, just like the rest of 'em. Not me, though. I'm gonna take the bus." Leorio mumbled as he walked off. I run up to him

"Why don't we just go to Gon?..." I poke him

"So, it was a trap?"

"All i'm sayin' is none of the buses made it to Zabon city." Another laughed "Rookies always fail this part. They believe whatever you tell them!"

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