•Chapter 2•

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•Your POV•

"Looks like we have two more drop outs" The Captain sighed. I walk up to the group in confusion, and so were they...

"Wait what do you mean?" Leorio questioned.

"Still haven't figured it out, huh" Capt said. I tilted my head adjusting my glasses

"You see, the Hunter Exam has already started" He chuckled.

"It has?" Me, Kurapika and leorio say in shock

"There are as many Hunter wannabes in this world as there are stars in the sky"

"Technically there's more stars than us..."I mumble

"And the examiners, well...The fact is, they don't have the time not the resources to go through them all. That's where people like me come in to pick up the slack. Screen all the applicants and trim the fat." He took a puff

I chuckled a bit

"I've already notified the committee about the rest of the lot. Not one of them made the cut." He laughed

"—What?"  "—Huh?"

"That was just a little storm and look how they handled it. They'd never survive the later stages of the exam. In other words, The only way you four are moving on to the next portion of the Exam is if I give you the go-ahead" He took another puff. I slightly feel a bit grossed out, I'm not a big fan of smoke or smoking...

"So, I'll ask you again. And think carefully before you answer."

"You catch all that?" Gon asked

"Huh?" Leorio looked at Gon with a very confused look. I chuckle a bit catching a reaction from Leorio.

"You could have told us that sooner"

"I am the sole survivor of the Kurta Clan." kurapika spoke. Kurta? Didn't my father work for that clan?

"Four years ago, my entire calm was annihilated by a band of criminals."

"That is why I want to become a Hunter. Go capture the Phantom Troupe." His voice become more bold and serious...

"Sounds like you want to be a Black List Hunter. And the Phantom Troupe is a Class-A bounty. Even the most seasoned Hunters cant touch them. You know it's a suicide mission?" Captain spoke.

"Death is not among my fears. But there is one thing I do fear, and one thing alone. The time will quiet the rage in my heart."

Emo much?

His eyes turned red for a split second, I look to see if my eyes did me wrong.


I was interrupted by Leorio. "So, In other words, you're out for revenge. But you don't really need to become a Hunter just so you can settle an old score. Do you?" He sounds childish. He looks 30 but, is very childish.

"That is the stupidest question I have ever heard, Leorio." Kurapika snapped.

"That's 'Mr. Leorio.'" Leorio shouted.

"There are places only Hunters can go, intel only they can access, and actions only they can take. there are more reasons but those are the only three that you have a chance of comprehending. "

Leorio become more and more annoyed and angry by the minuet by Kurapika's words.


"Hey! Why do you want to become a Hunter, Mr.Leorio?" Gon came into the picture now

"Who, me? Well, it's pretty simple, really, just like that girl said." He pointed at me

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