galaxy, stars and so much more

Start from the beginning

Aaliyah turned from Oisin to Yoda again. "You called for me."

"Call you here, the force did," said yet again in riddles, without further explanation. "Patient, you must be," this made Aaliyah sighed, but didn't push master Yoda further. He walked further into his hut, his back to them looking out from the small window. "Spreading, the darkness is. Stronger, Darth Vader is getting. Stronger, the Emperor is getting."

"We need your help, Master Yoda," Aaliyah pushed herself forward, but stayed sitting on the ground.

He nodded but never turned around to face them. "Help I will, when the time comes."

After that, everybody was quiet for a long time. For now, Aaliyah was satisfied with his answer. At least she knew he was willing to help. But there was one question, that kept popping inside her mind. She was reluctant to ask it but somehow couldn't help herself. She was curious.

"The force is connecting us. Me and Vader. It's a strong connection. He can send me visions. He can talk to me and I can see him even when he's on the other side of the galaxy," she would prefer to have privacy with Yoda but didn't question Oisin's presence. Instead, she tried to ignore him.

"Rare but not unheard of, bonds like these are," Yoda grunted. "Between two force users with strong relationship," only then he slowly turned around to face Aaliyah. "Careful, you must be. Misleading, they can be. Dangerous. Leading you to the dark side, he could be."

"I will never be like him. I'm not tempted by the dark side," she said stoically, but Yoda only raised one corner of his mouth in a mocking grin. She knew what it all meat. Never say never. Other Jedi fell to the dark side. Stronger servants of the light were pushed over the edge with no way of turning back.

"So sure, are you?" he asked her and to be honest, she wasn't anymore, vividly remembering the times she was attacked by the dark force when Anakin clouded her mind. When she lost her control while spearing with Calista. She was being tempted without even realizing. He was slowly trying to pull her to the other side. Destroy her protection and suck her right into the darkness.


Her knees slightly shook, when she looked ahead of herself. She was standing in the swamp looking into the darkest part of the forest around them. The chilling cold was coming out of it and something else. Something unnatural Aaliyah wasn't able to put her finger on.

Aaliyah and Oisin spent the night on Dagobah, in a tent fright in front of master Yoda's hut. And now, she was standing deep in the swamp, where Yoda took her and was supposed to go forward without looking back. "You will know what to look for," said Yoda, when she asked where was she supposed to go and what was she even looking for.

She turned over her shoulder and looked at master Yoda, who was sitting on big rock and Oisin, who was watching her from afar, frowning in concern. He probably wanted to say something but decided against it. Ever since they arrived, he was more silent than ever, just listening to Aaliyah talk to Yoda about things and people he didn't know.  The corner of her mouth was lifted in a forced smile, but she quickly turned back around.

With a sight she looked ahead, feeling dread and something else she couldn't quite describe. But it made her stomach clench. "I feel darkness, death," she narrowed her eyes to see better into the distance. It was a cave made out of dead branches, dead trees, twisted roots.

Yoda poked the dirt bellow him with the stick. "That place is strong with the dark side of the force. A domain of evil it is. In, you must go," he rasped at her and Aaliyah immediately turned to face him if he was serious. And he was.

"What will I find there?" she asked. "What's in there?"

"Only what you take with you," was Yoda's only answer. Without wasting time, Aaliyah made the first step towards the dreadful place, that was almost calling her, luring her to enter.

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now