Chapter Four

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"We found him," a gruff voice calls out.

It's dark, everything is so dark, I can't see anything. Or are my eyes just closed? I don't know anymore. I can't open my eyes!

"Excellent. Lock him up, I have some special plans for him."

A few hours after, Cole slowly manages to blink his eyes open. Wearily he looks around, his movements sluggish. Was I drugged? Pushing the thought aside, he takes a better look at his surroundings. Metal bars hang between a large gap between two large rocks. His tail scrapes the floor. Glancing down, Cole realises the floor is rocks too. Swimming away from the walls, a sharp tug on his wrists pulls him back. What the-? Glancing behind him, he realises theres chains attached to his wrists and they're stuck inside the back wall. Cole tries to tug his wrists free. Nothing.

"Ah, you're awake."

Jolting, Cole spins around to see a long brown haired, black eyed Siren outside of his cage. She swims up towards the bars of the cage. Cole swims backwards until his back hits the wall. She smirks at him and the bars of the cage rise up. She swims inside and breaks the chains. Cole pulls his wrists in front of him, rubbing the small cuts that were left behind. She grabs his arm and drags him out. Cole tries to fight, but her grip tightens.

She drags him into a small room, the only thing in the room being a chair which is chained to the ground. She pushes him onto the chair and pushes her face into his, their nose practically touching his.

"Where is it?"

"Where's w-what?" Cole stutters out.

"Don't play games with me!" She slaps him across the face.

Cole whimpers and tries to shuffle away. She slams her hands down on his hands to keep him still.

"I'll ask you one more time. Where are your mothers riches?"

"I don't know!" Cole yells, close to tears.

"Well, I'll have to go for more desperate measures."


Kai ducks behind a rock as a Siren guard swims past him. He'd stopped at a nearby Cove and they'd told him the location of where they believed the Siren Cove was. And they weren't wrong. The place was huge and was crawling with guards. Once the coast was clear, Kai swims through the opening and heads inside. Swimming up to the closet cage, he tugs on the bars until they swing open. The merman inside swims out and floats in front of Kai.

"You haven't seen a black haired, dark skinned, dark brown tailed merman have you?"

"The Head Siren took him."

"Head Siren?"

"She runs the place. She took him that way," he points down the corridor.

Kai swims off. There's only one room at the end of the long corridor, with no bars or doors. And there, barely conscious in the chair, is Cole.

"Cole!" Kai swims in and pulls the chains off of him.

Cole's body slumps forward. Kai quickly catches him and lifts him out of the chair. Cole's head falls onto Kai's chest. Kai's eyes soften.

"Cole.." he trails off, tucking Cole's hair out of his eyes.

Cole's eyes are barely open, but they're darting around nervously, almost like he's expecting someone else.

"It's okay, it's just me."

Cole's eyes close. Kai shakes him gently. A groan of pain escapes Cole's mouth. He's not dead!

"Come on, let's get you home."

Underwater: a Lava AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن