Chapter Three

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Kai swims home and into the kitchen, just as there's a knock on the door. He swims out into the hallway to see his father talking to a pale merman with a long black tail and disheveled black hair, his brown eyes reflecting concern, worry and...grief? Kai watches as his father leads the visitor into the kitchen.

Do I follow him? Something about him seems similar but what?

Making sure Nya doesn't spot him, he swims towards the kitchen door and presses his ear against it, listening.

"It's my son I-"

"Lou, breathe. Breathe and tell us what happened," his mother's voice filters through the door.

"My son is missing."

Over the past few months, there's been reports mermaids and mermen alike disappearing with no warnings or notes left for their parents. Kai's parents and the people they work with believe the Sirens have something to do with it, which is why they're trying exceptionally hard to find the Siren Cove but there's been nothing so far.

"I-I've already lost my wife...I can't lose Cole too."

Cole! That's why the man seemed so similar! It's his father! And Cole's gone missing?

"Lou, we'll get him back, I promise," his father says.

Swimming back to his room, Kai grabs his bag, already full of food and supplies for the next days hunt, and his red trident. Swimming through his quiet and empty house, he arrives at the front door. Reaching his hand out, he grabs the doorknob.


Jolting, he whips his head around to see his younger sister floating a few metres behind him.

"Where are you going?"

Kai hesitates. Do I tell her? If I do, she'll most likely tell mom and dad and they won't let me go. But I need to find him.

"There's been another disappearance, and I'm going to find him."

"You know who's disappeared?"

"Mom and dad are talking to someone. I don't know who, but it's an old friend of theirs, Lou. It's his son that's disappeared."

"Oh," Nya murmurs, taking a glance at the kitchen.

"And he isn't in the right state of mind to go," Kai adds on, "he said he's lost his wife. So that's why I'm going."

Nya looks down at the shell floor. Kai sighs and closes his eyes. She's gonna tell mom and dad.


Kai's head snaps up to look at her, surprise etched on his face. Nya has a small smile on her face.

"Okay. I'll cover for you."

"Thanks sis, I owe you one."

Kai scoops his little sister up into a hug. Nya squeaks in surprise and hugs back, resting her head against his shoulder.

"I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Stay safe."

"I will too."

Kai pulls away, planting a soft kiss on the top of her head before he leaves.


"We found him," a gruff voice calls out.

It's dark, everything is so dark, I can't see anything. Or are my eyes just closed? I don't know anymore. I can't open my eyes!

"Excellent. Lock him up, I have some special plans for him."

Cliff hangers are my favourite! Hope you enjoyed it!

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