As thought, you were in a small clearing surrounded by trees and various flora. Kurapika, who had sensed your intentions right before you had punched the ground, had jumped back. You could see him perched in the tree, and with another quick assessment of gyo, you confirmed he was currently not using his hatsu. He was blocking your path to the exit, however, but that was fine. Hopefully.

"This reminds me of the Milsy Wetlands. From the Hunter Exam."

Kurapika hummed, gray eyes watching you warily. "In the Visca Forest Preserve. Thankfully, without the magical beasts."

You weren't sure what the Visca Forest Preserve was, you hadn't really paid too much attention to the examiner, Satotz, but considering Kurapika's knowledge on almost everything... Well, you were just going to have to take his word for it.

He jumped down from the tree, coming back into the clearing in a languid manner. Despite the ease of how he moved, though, you knew his guard was still up. You got into a fighting stance, and he let out an almost inaudible sigh at your actions. "You're really going to fight me?"

You grinned, tensing up all of your leg muscles. "Hm... Nope!"

With that said, you vanished, darting off to the side as the fog started to condense near the ground again. Soon, it would build up, and that was fine - you needed the cover, more so than what the trees could provide you.

With the fog obscuring your vision, especially with your feet, you hadn't seen the gnarly tree root sticking out, and you tripped, face planting with your mouth open. Standing up and shaking your wrists in pain, you spluttered and spat out grass and dirt, proceeding to wipe your mouth on your shirt. That was disgusting. At least the fog was so thick that you were sure nobody had seen that in the monitor room. Nose still scrunched up in distaste, you swung yourself up into the trees, figuring it would be safer and your view would be better up here as you activated your zetsu to conceal your presence. This should be good enough, and soon, you began to weave your own trap, all while looping around, hoping fruitlessly that you may be lucky enough to sneak around Kurapika.

You were genuinely excited to finally try your new hatsu in an actual, combative setting. That rat of a teacher had left you believing you had been an enhancer, and so all of your techniques, your abilities, your style - it was all based off of that fact that you were an enhancer. In the end, it had only been a detriment to your progression. Your new hatsu, would have never been possible if Kurapika hadn't opened your eyes.

You really owed him.



At once, you dropped your zetsu, feeling out with your en. You weren't planning on fighting fist-to-fist - but you weren't going to run, either. Within moments, Kurapika would be able to sense you out, and that was fine. Perched up in the tree, sitting cross legged on a particularly thick branch, you closed your eyes and waited. Keeping an eye out was useless. The fog had already begun to settle again, obscuring the ground before fading only half a meter below you. If Kurapika was on the ground, you'd have to hope you could detect him, because you sure as hell weren't going to see him.

He was using zetsu. You knew he was nearby, but where? Kurapika wasn't the type to run in reckless, he would think out every possibility. Opening your eyes and peering down in the fog, you saw the dense air shift just slightly. Swinging backwards - and almost rocketing off the branch you were on in the process - you dodged the chain that shot out. With a grip so tight that the bark of the tree dug splinters into your gloved fingers, you swung yourself down.

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