Shay nods, “Come on I’ll drive”

“Why can’t I drive?” He whimpered.

“Because you’re a horrible driver” she smirked walking out of the house after grabbing the car keys.

“I’m not!” He shouted.

          They drove about 30 minutes till they reached the studio she parked the car the light was on still, Alex’s car was there still so was Roo’s, Jack chewed on his bottom lip staring at Shay as they got out.

“What could they possibly be doing here still this late?” Jack asked outloud.

“I don’t know I have a funny fe-“ She stopped once they got to the studio room her jaw slightly dropped at the scene Alex’s shirt was off his hair a mess kissing Roo.

“What the fuck?” Jack stared blankly.

Roo looked up, “Ok weird Jack there’s another you.” She said.

Jack shook his head, “No there’s only one me Roo, you’re drunk.” Shay just stood there shocked as Alex looked up.

“Ha I never get drunk, why does Alex have his shirt off?” she asked. “Ok everyone has a twin, why don’t I have a twin?” she asked

Alex glanced over at Shay who shook her head slightly turning her back walking out as she ran her fingers through her hair, Jack sighed deeply watching Shay.

“Because  you two were making out god knows how far you two would have gotten if we hadn’t of come and there’s not two of all of us it’s this drink right here.” Alex bit his lip lightly.

“Shay!” He slurred a little.

Shay sighed deeply stopping turning around feeling her heart break just seeing him like that blinking back her tears, Roo stood there sobering up a little bit and sat down on the floor pulling her knees close and started crying hysterically holding her chest as she was having trouble breathing.

“Did you two ever think you could have gotten alcohol poising drinking this?” Jack asked picking the bottles up throwing them away.

Alex shook his head slightly trying to get the words out right leaning against the wall, “N- no, Shay bear I’m sorry”

Shay shook her head tears streaming down her face, “Just shut up Alex” Roo looked up a second with tears streaming down her face and started gasping for air passing out, Jack rushed over bending down next to her Shay stood there watching Jack freak out shaking her head she walked over bending over slapping him across the face rolling her eyes.

“WHAT THE FUCK SHAY?! My girlfriend is dying and your hitting me!”

Shay shook her head slightly, “She’s not dying you rere, but we should take her to the hospital just to be on the safe side.”

Jack’s eyes went wide, “On the safe side? Thanks Shay that doesn’t fucking help.” He murmured rubbing his I’m cheek winching. “Fuck you hit hard.” He sighed cradling Roo in his arms carrying her out to the car but looked back at Shay, “Are you coming?”

Shay sighed, “I’m going to get Alex home so he won’t try to drive himself” Jack nods a little as he put Roo in the back seat closing the door sighing.


          Shay had got Alex inside the car sliding in herself starting up the engine smelling the alcohol on him she backed out of the parking space and out the parking lot.

“Shay bear, I’m sorry”

Shay shook her head, “No Alex. You didn’t even have to drink the fucking shit! You could have took it to the bathroom in the studio and poured it down the fucking drain! Just don’t fucking talk to me right now.” She hissed.

Alex bit his lip looking down, Shay shook her head getting to the house getting out of the car after she had stopped the engine walking toward Alex’s side opening the door helping him out as he put his arm around her shoulder she slowly pulled him out closing the door, her arm around his side walking up to the house opening the door dropping him onto the couch seeing it didn’t take long for him to pass out, she sighed walking up the stairs into their bedroom looking around at pictures knowing that when he woke up looking at him wouldn’t be the same as they were.

She ran her fingers through her hair walking over to the closet throwing a suitcase onto the bed taking all her shit out of the closet throwing it all in there wiping away her tears as she closed it, once she was back downstairs she didn’t even turn to look at Alex she only walked out of the front door throwing her suitcase in the back seat deciding to make a quick trip to the hospital to check on Roo and to see how Jack is holding up.

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