My eyes widen and I rush to get out of the car. What was that? I smack my forehead as I walk back into the cottage.

"Where were you?" Victor asks startling me while he takes Becca to the bathroom. "Umm . . . just taking a walk outside." I lie because I don't want them to think that I spend the night with a guy I barely know even if we slept at our distance. I close the door behind me and rush to help Becca."I got this Victor." I offer and I pull her arm around my shoulder.

"Is it still paining? " I ask.

"Not like before, but I got to go to the hospital before something happens."

"Yeah, We'll stop by the nearest hospital on our way back. I assure her. "call me when you are done."

"Yeah. Umm . . . wait —I turn— Thank you for helping me." Her eyes meet mine and to be honest it sounds genuine.


 Victor helps me to lie Becca down on the couch. I wave at Lily who is brushing her teeth near the kitchen. "Hey, when did you come?" Victor says peering around me and I turn to find Trevor coming in through the front door. My heart starts to race. What do I do?

Maybe, it's because of him seeing me in underwear or maybe I started to . . . I don't want to finish that sentence. I snap out of my thoughts and see Victor and Trevor shaking hands. I see Trevor walking toward me and I am sure to ask Why did I leave him stranded in his car? I panic a little and walk to my room. I hear a faint Hey from behind but I ignore and scram before he catches up with me. Phew.

I rummage through my bag to find my toothbrush but instead, I find a pack of gum. Huh? Who cares? I pop gum in my mouth. I find my camera lying inside my bag, calling me out to pick it.

"Hey, Morning." Jordan chirps, plopping down at the bed. 

"Morning," I say. "I think we should leave early to stop at the hospital first," I suggest. 

"Oh, yeah. I'll pack my bags and ask Trevor for the ride back down." I snap my head up at the mention of Trevor. "Umm . . . How?" I ask nonchalantly. "There is a way cars can come up here., Ashleigh." He says and runs his palms over his clothes.

"Oh, of course, there is " I respond and bite an awkward laugh. 

"What is it with you? you're acting weird." He looks with suspicious eyes. 

"No, I am not." I retaliate, swallowing the lump building behind my throat. He knows me too well. "

Yeah." He challenges me. He walks toward me. 

"Hey." Trevor's voice fills the room. Thank goodness.

Jordan turns to look and I peer around him. His hands are deep inside his pockets as he walks into the room. I slide behind Jordan and run out of the room. "I gotta take pictures," I speak nervously after taking a quick glance at Trevor. He looks with expectant eyes. He opens his mouth to talk but I scram. What is happening?

I leap through the small wooden stairs up the roof. I lift my camera over to my face and tilt to the right to capture the natural light falling between the two huge trees separated by muddy carpet. I focus the lens out with my right hand and pinch my left eyes shut. I click the moment I see the lines on the trees and the texture on the muddy patches. Pat, pat, Ashleigh.

"Hey."  My lips curl. I know who it is?

"You avoiding me?" He asks.

I put my camera down and face him.

"You stalking me?"

He lets out a chuckle.

"So how was your stay? " He asks standing a few inches beside me.

 "My back is sore and I have a cramped leg." I am grinning now.

"So my car was not good to you." He smiles and watches me. I choose not to say anything and turns around. My cheeks are burning up.

"No, but maybe it was good for most girls," I smirk and click random pictures.

He looks down at the concrete floor and walks over to me.

"No. I don't think so. I have never been with that many." He says.

He touches my arm and turns me to face him. In spite of being out in the open, I feel the air becoming thick. I could feel my breath turning hot. He reaches his hand and takes away my camera. I swallow the hard lump in my throat while his lips part. I look at his lips and into his eyes. Should I kiss him? Why is he taking so long? My breathing becomes uneven. I breathe heavier than usual. 

He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. 

"Hmph." I softly moan.

I stick my tongue out and lick my lower lip. 

"I want to do that." He softly speaks. 

My lips stay apart like I am frozen. "I'd love that."  I release a breath.

And then he brushes his lips into mine. I can feel his raspy breath on my face. He tightens his grip on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. I can't help but move closer to him leaving no space between us. I moan in his mouth as his grip tightens around my waist. His tongue glides on my lips and my stomach starts to flutter. I stand on my toes and graze my fingers into his hair.

"He comes here with a lot of chic's, it's basically his sex dungeon . . ."

I pull back immediately as Jordan's voice echoes in my mind. 

"Did I do someth . . .?  I snatch my camera from his hands before he completes and rushes downstairs. Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!

"Ashleigh, we are getting late." I hear Jordan from downstairs. I turn around to glance at him but all I see are confused eyes. 


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