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hi if you are new here i am so sorry, for some reason wattpad deleted a lot of this story. parts of chapters are missing. so you can go ahead and read it but it probably won't make sense. i apologize!

"Wake up bitch!" I heard my sister Bella yell from outside my bedroom door.

Winter break had just ended and my senior year was coming to an end. I had just turned 18 a few weeks ago, finally an adult. Being part of the Hadid family was very stressful at times. Everyone just expects me to become a model because of my older sisters Gigi and Bella. I don't mind modeling I actually quite enjoy it, but my real passion was making videos. I started a YouTube channel last year and it became quite successful, I have over 20 million suscribers. I do a few modeling gigs here and there, I even do interviews with my sisters.

Bella barged in my room and pulled the covers off of me

"Theo get up, you're gonna be late for school!" Bella shouted at me

I got up and walked to my closet and got ready.

"Hey Gigi and I are going shopping later in Malibu wanna come with?" Bella said

"Yea sure. Now let me get ready" I say pushing her out my bedroom door.

After I got ready I grabbed my bag and keys and headed to school in my jeep. I wasn't a big fan of school. I'm popular and everyone knows who I am. I never hangout with anybody outside of school. My sisters are my best friends we do everything together but as they got older they started to get distant. Now we try to hangout as much as we can, Gigi and Bella even bought a house for all of us to live in so we can be closer.

School came to an end and I headed back home. When I parked in the driveway I noticed an unfamiliar car. I soon walked into the door and see the one and only Kendall Jenner sitting on the Couch.

Kendall Jenner. Kendall was a friend of my sisters. They have known each other for many years. Kendall has been on many family trips with us. I have never been close with her, I started to have a crush on her last year. I came out as bisexual about a year ago to my sisters I even made a YouTube video about it.

"Hey Theo" Kendall said with a grin

"Hi Kendall" I say waving at her

"So are you going shopping with us?" I ask

"Yes she is" Bella said walking into the living room, Gigi following right behind her

While shopping in Malibu Bella and Gigi went to so many different stores. Finally we finished up shopping and headed to the beach. Gigi and Bella ran into the water pushing each other in. Kendall and I sat in the sand watching them fight.

"So how is senior year going" She asked

"Umm its been alright, I actually just want to be over already" I say looking down

"How come" she asks

"I just don't like school. I don't really have friends. Yes i'm popular and hangout with people but they don't truly know me" I say playing with the sand

"I'd much rather shop in Malibu with my sisters" I say watching them tackle each other in the water

"Why don't you and I hangout one day, I've known you for years and we haven't hangout once." Kendall says

"Umm sure" I say

Kendall Jenner wants to hangout with me.

hope you guys enjoy the story :) let me know what you think!

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