Chapter 2

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Yang woke up and looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was midnight. Apparently, she slept for six hours. Let’s just say Yang was not happy. She looked around the room, there was no sign of Nightmare which made her worry a bit. Yang grab her notebook; she hadn’t written in her Journal in a while. So, she decided to write in it. 

Entry 1: Yesterday I agreed to be Nightmare's Wife, he isn't as bad as I expected. I still need to be careful, who knows what Nightmare is up too. I feel like I will become good friends with the other Sanses, it will take a while but I will manage. anyway the marriage is in 3 days. I shall get to know all the Sanses in the castle, I'll be living with them after all. That is all. Goodbye.... 

Yang put her journal down and stood up. After that nap she was quite thirsty, so she stepped out into the cold and dark hallway. She walked on hoping that she would not bump into anyone but to her surprise... No one showed up! Just as she had hoped, she continued down the hallways. After about 5 minutes she finally got to the kitchen, she “Quietly” opened the fridge to get the soda.

Normal people would get a cold glass of water, but Yang was far from normal she LOVED soda so if there was Soda, water was not an option. As Yang poured the Pepsi in the glass cup, she heard a sound. She turned around only to be met with nothing.... “HEY!” A voice boomed from behind her. “HOLY PINK SLIPPERS!” Yang screamed as she threw the bottle of Pepsi at the person.

The figure caught the bottle and chuckled, it then stepped into the light. “Cross?” Yang said shocked. “Yup! I saw you come out of the room and I decided to visit ya!” Cross said with a big grin on his face. Yang and Cross already knew each other, they had been friends for many years. They had the same relationship that she had with Dream. She considered a lot of Sanses as brothers, Like Error, Cross, Dream, Fresh, and Underswap Papyrus! “Earth to Yang!” Cross said snapping Yang out of her thoughts. “Oh sorry!” Yang quickly said while she looked around, forgetting where she was for a second.

“Can I have my Pepsi back” She said while putting her hands out. “Oh yeah, sure.” Cross said as he handed her the bottle of Pepsi. Yang put the bottle back in the fridge and began drinking her drink. That is until she realized something. “Hey Cross.” She said as she slowly put the cup down. “Yeah?” Cross asked in confusion. “Have you seen Nightmare?” Yang ask as she furrowed her eyebrows. “Yeah, he should be in the Throne room.” Cross said starting to get worried.

"Alright, thanks cross.” Yang said as she started to leave. “Wait! What are you going to do?" Cross asked as he ran to catch up to her. “Talk to him....” Yang said as she started to walk away. Cross was left there in awe. Why did she want to talk to him? What was she gonna say? What if she slips up? Those questions were flooding Crosses mind, he was worried, and he didn’t know what to do. Should he follow her, or should he mind his own business and go back to bed? Cross decided to follow Yang, what can he say? It was his job as a brother and friend to protect her, and he wasn’t going to break that promise.... not again. 

Yang walked down the endless hallways hoping to find the Throne room. After a little while she found a big black and silver door, with Papyrus guards on the side.  ‘If I had to guess this would be the throne room.’ Yang thought as she walked up to the guards. “Greetings Queen Yang.”  Both guards said at the same time. Yang was shocked, Nightmare and she weren't even married yet and they called her the queen? It didn’t help that they kneeled, but she was used to this. She was once in a “Cult” called “Church of Decay”. She was a high rank and was well respected. When others saw her, they kneeled and greeted her with such respect, so she knew exactly what to do. 

You may Rise...” Yang said as they nodded and stood back up and opened the door for her. She walked in and was quite surprised by the design. The carpet leading to the throne was black with a Cyan outline. The throne were different shades of black and above the throne was a window. White light was coming through it making it look elegant. Papyrus guards were lined up beside the throne and Nightmare was sitting there on the throne. He looked at Yang and his expression seemed to brighten, but that was only for a second. “Well, Greetings my Queen....”


847 words because you know the author is a lazy piece of Shi-

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